Kees van den Bergh
Kees van den Bergh studied in the early nineties Music Composition and Music Theory at the Brabants Conservatorium in Tilburg. In 1999 he received his diploma U.M. Composition with honours and in 2000 he completed his six-year study Music Theory, also with honours.
Since 2002 he teaches analysis, solfeggio, harmony, counterpoint and orchestration at the Fontys Conservatorium (AMPA) in Tilburg. In 2008 Kees van den Bergh has been appointed as Professor Composition in both the Bachelor Composition and Master of Music Composition. He is also the coordinator of the Composition Department.
His oeuvre consists of compositions for solo voice, pieces for instrument solo, songs, choral music, chamber music for various ensembles, electronic music and several symphonic works.
The current compositions of Kees van den Bergh have a high degree of consonance and are influenced by Ancient chant, Renaissance counterpoint, Classical music, Minimal music and Pop music.
Kees writes on his website:
‘Besides composing, my great passion is teaching composition at the Fontys Conservatory (AMPA) in Tilburg. Since 2008 I have coached gifted young composers in finding and developing their own musical voice.
The musical style of these young composers varies enormously: you can hear influences of Ethnic music, Romantic Classical Music, Extended Tonality, music of the Avant-garde, Minimal music, Film music, Afro-Cuban rhythm, Jazz, Pop music etc.
I am very happy with this, because music is not about style, it is about quality and a proper balance between craftsmanship and musical expression.’
For more information about Kees van den Bergh and his work as a composer and teacher, check his website: