Niklas Schnieder

Name: Niklas Schnieder
Industrieel Product Ontwerpen
Freelancer Niklas Schnieder

Molivia is committed to bringing sustainable, flexible and mobile architecture to the market. We are still in the founding phase and have been pursuing this idea for 2 years. The concept can be used in a private and commercial environment. Each module has around 20 square meters, but can be upgraded to the amount needed. Setup is easily down in a few minutes and in just a matter of an hour, large building complexes can build up. Mobility, sustainability, modularity and customizability are the major columns of the product and company, and make it unique in the market.

Recently, the idea has become more and more concrete and next year the plan is to build the first prototype and, in the process, have the core aspects of the product protected. For this to happen, last changes and analysis in CAD are in the works.

Major aspects that still need to be investigated, is the financing of the whole project, build up marketing strategies and the online presence. Expertise in these fields is always welcome. To build up the company, a large amount of capital is needed. However, rethinking the current society is overdue by a long time. Therefore, this investment will be the foundation of a more flexible and sustainable future. Behaviour with regard to living, travelling and education is changing, this is where the product will lead to new possibilities and changes.

The internship in combination with the CVO leaded to a validated business model, a brought network and a reflective mindset. This opportunity is extremely precious to everyone, who has the goal to change something for future generations and work on outside the box thinking products and services.

"I am proud that i am able to work on projects, that will change the future in some aspects and make it more sustainable for the environment, animals and humanity."