About the Fontys Centre for Entrepreneurship

The Fontys Center for Entrepreneurship (CvO) supports and stimulates student entrepreneurs when necessary in the field of entrepreneurship. It has created an environment where students are supervised and coached when starting their own business. Due to its rich knowledge, network and expertise, the CvO is a focused environment for discovering, preparing, guiding and launching an entrepreneurial career for all its Fontys student entrepreneurs.

As the Fontys Center for Entrepreneurship (CvO) we encourage and support enterprising Fontys students to go further and faster. To learn from experts in a deeply focused environment committed to outcomes. To fail safely, with continuous feedback loops and guidance to test and iterate ideas. In order to gain access to a network of entrepreneurs, partners and experts to achieve the intended success. A complete toolkit and environment where entrepreneurship flourishes.

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The CvO

What we offer?

Fontys CvO is available for all Fontys students. The CvO offers various facilities and regulations to best meet the student's needs in the field of entrepreneurship:

Please note: We are closed due to the summer holidays until August 21. Registrations will be processed after the holiday.

We are happy to help you!

Do you have a question or do you want to know more about one of our areas of expertise? Feel free to contact us or visit our business square!