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Study delay: provisions DUO and Profileringsfonds

If you experience study delays during your studies, you may be eligible for a financial scheme.

Facilities performance grant DUO 

If you study for more than 4 years due to medical circumstances (physical, psychological and/or functional impairment), you can submit a request to DUO for an extension of the performance grant. If you qualify or think you might qualify for this, make an appointment with a student counselor to discuss your situation. 


Sometimes personal and/or medical circumstances prevent you from graduating within the graduation period, or even force you to stop your studies altogether. DUO also offers facilities for these situations. More information about these facilities can be found on DUO's 'Study delay' page. A student counselor will always be involved in the application for these facilities. If you want to check whether you are eligible for these facilities, make an appointment with a student counselor. 


Please note: not all international students are eligble for a performance grant from DUO. Please check de website of DUO for the terms. If you are not sure make an appointment with a student counselor. 

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The Profileringsfonds offers financial support, in the form of graduation assistance, to students who, due to personal and/or medical circumstances, are unable to complete their studies before the end of the performance grant. For example, if you are a studying athlete, but also if you experience study delays due to pregnancy, a disability, illness or family circumstances, for example. You can read the rules, regulations and conditions of the fund by selecting the option “Profiling Fund Scheme”. 

Make an appointment with a student counselor to discuss your eligibility for the Profileringsfonds. The student counselor can also guide you in putting together your application. 


Please note: You can only submit a request if you are also entitled to study grants from DUO. 


About the Committee Profileringsfonds 

The Profileringsfonds committee evaluates your application on graduation support. This committee consists of a chairman, secretary, student dean, lecturer, student and an employee of Legal Affairs. In the agenda below you can see when the committee meets. As soon as your application is complete and sent (at least 10 working days before the next meeting), it will be discussed. They will then aim to inform you of progress within 10 working days. 

Meeting data

  • 10 October 2023
  • 14 November 2023
  • 19 December 2023
  • 16 January2024
  • 5 March 2024
  • 2 April 2024
  • 14 May 2024
  • 28 May 2024
  • 11 June 2024
  • 25 June 2024
  • 9 July 2024


If you have questions about the performance grant of DUO and/or the Profileringsfonds, make an appointment with a student counselor.


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