When do I get a tuition fee refund?
Request for termination of enrolment
If you wish to discontinue your course programme, go to Studielink and log in using your personal details. Select the enrolment you wish to terminate and select the ‘Request for termination of enrolment' button under ‘Study Programme Details’ (for termination of enrolment in July and/or August, please see below). Studielink will send this message to Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Your enrolment will be terminated. Depending on the type of tuition fees, reimbursement of any overpaid tuition fees can be possible.
Statutory tuition fees
As a student, you may discontinue your enrolment in a course programme at any time. If you do so, you will no longer be obliged to pay the Statutory Tuition Fees for the months in which you are no longer enrolled. In relation to such months and if required, reimbursement will be arranged of any overpaid Statutory Tuition Fees. However, if an enrolment is terminated in the month of July or August, reimbursement of any overpaid Tuition Fees will not be possible, unless the student in question dies, or unless the Director issues explicit permission for reimbursement. Reimbursement will take place once the term for reversing an entry is expired.
Institutional tuition fees
If it has been determined that a student must pay Institutional Tuition Fees, the student will be obliged to pay the amount for the full Academic Year and reimbursement will not be arranged for the months in which you are no longer enrolled, unless the student in question graduates, dies, or the relevant Course Department Director issues explicit permission for reimbursement.
Please also note that if you are not enrolled, you will not be entitled to receive any student grants and/or loans. Therefore, if you discontinue your enrolment, it is important to immediately terminate your student grants and/or loans and to hand in your OV-jaarkaart (Annual Public Transport Pass).
More information or any questions? Klantcontactcentrum (Customer Contact Center) Telephone number: +31(0) 8850 80000 e-mail: info@fontys.nl
Termination of enrolment in July and/or August
When you select the ‘Request for termination of enrolment’ button in Studielink, the un-enrolment will take effect on the first day of the month following the month in which this request is submitted. When such request results in a termination of enrolment in July and/or August, it will be rejected by Fontys. Reimbursement of any overpaid Tuition Fees will not be possible. Should you wish to terminate your enrolment or will you graduate in June, July or August, you need to select the option ‘No, I do not wish to re-enrol’ under the ‘Re-enrol for next year’ link in your ‘My To Do List’ in Studielink. For more information, please check the Enrolment Conditions of Fontys University of Applied Sciences.
More information or any questions?
Klantcontactcentrum (Customer Contact Center) Telephone number: +31(0) 8850 80000 e-mail: info@fontys.nl