Physical safety

Physical safety

Feeling uneasy about someone or a situation

Report it to the reception of the building you are in. Or call the Fontys control room on 08850-74966.

Less acute
Discuss it with your student coach or report it to infopunt veiligheid (safety information point)

Non life-threatening health situations

Call the Huisartsenpost in case of non life-threatening situations outside office hours and in weekends. Huisartsenpost Eindhoven +31 88 876 5151 Huisartsenpost Tilburg +31 85 53 60 300 Huisartsenpost Venlo +31 900 8818


Report a case of theft to the control room via or 08850-74966.

File a report
Report it to the police and get a police report. You will need that for insurance purposes.

IT Servicedesk
Has your Fontys laptop or phone been stolen with sensitive information on it? Then also report this to the IT Servicedesk: or via 08850-77777.

Problems abroad

Contact the internationalisation co-ordinator at your institute.

Emergency? Contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You can do so 24/7 by calling +31 247 247 247.

Travel insurance emergency number If you are insured at Fontys, this is the emergency number for advice or guidance: +31 (0)10 4535 656