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Almost graduated: what now?

Do you already know what your plans are after you graduate, or are you still in doubt? Studying, working or perhaps starting your own business? Learn more about the different possibilities and how Fontys can guide you in your choice. Ask your student coach what is specifically possible for your study programme.

On this page you find:

  • information about your options after graduation;
  • help in making your choice;
  • alumni networks.

Continue studying

What are the options? And what is the difference between a master's at a university of applied sciences and a research university?


What kind of job suits you; and how do you find it? What can you expect when you start working after your studies?

Going abroad

Are you considering travelling abroad after your studies? Or do you want to do something completely different during a gap year?


Are you considering starting your own business after your studies? Or have you already started your business during your studies, and want to continue this after your studies?

I have no clue (yet)

Are you in doubt, or do you have no idea at all? And what if you make the wrong choice? Many students struggle with these questions.

Join the alumni network!

This way you stay in touch with former fellow students and can share knowledge.