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Cluster Education

> Cluster Education

Fontys Teacher Training for Secondary Education Sittard

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Joris Pisters Institutional coordination j.pisters@fontys.nl

Fontys Teacher Training for Secondary Education Tilburg

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Olga Ligtvoet Institutional coordination & inbound mobility o.ligtvoet@fontys.nl
Brenda de Vries Institutional coordination & outbound mobility b.devries@fontys.nl

Fontys School of Theology and Religious Education

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Eric Luijten Institutional coordination e.luijten@fontys.nl

Fontys Child Studies and Education

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Stefan van Beurden Location 's-Hertogenbosch en Veghel s.vanbeurden@fontys.nl
Vincent Hoeks Location Eindhoven en Venlo v.hoeks@fontys.nl
Claske Kordelaar Location Tilburg en PMK c.kordelaar@fontys.nl
Ellen Rohaan Coordination Masters e.rohaan@fontys.nl

De Nieuwste Pabo

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Bianca Beckers Institutional coordination bianca.beckers@denieuwstepabo.nl

Fontys Teacher Training for Special Educational Needs

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Angelique van der Kamp Institutional coordination a.vanderkamp@fontys.nl