NL Scholarship
Are you a student at Fontys and do you want to go outside Europe to study abroad or an internship?
Develop yourself and broaden your horizon while getting international experience!
NL Scholarship is a scholarship from the Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science and is co-funded by Dutch Universities.
Below you will find conditional and practical information about NL Scholarship for your study or internship abroad.
> Conditions
- Your Fontys School takes part in the NL Scholarship.
- You are a full-time student at Fontys.
- You will go abroad for at least 7 weeks and 10 ECTS-credits.
- You can only be selected once in your life for NL Scholarship.
- You meet the criteria of your Fontys School for the NL Scholarship (e.g. not all schools take part, and not all take part for both internships and study abroad)
- NL scholarship is available if you go to any country in the world, except for these destinations:
- Netherlands (including special municipalities Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustasius)
- EU-countries
- Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway
> Amounts
The scholarship has a value of € 2.500.
> How to apply
Students can only apply if their Fontys school participates in this programme.
Participating Fontys Schools for outgoing students (academic year 2024-2025):
- Fontys Academy for the Creative Economy
- Fontys Lerarenopleiding Tilburg
- Fontys ICT
- Fontys Hogeschool Journalistiek
- Fontys Hogeschool Bedrijfsmanagement, Educatie en Techniek
- Fontys Hogeschool Engineering
- Fontys Paramedische Hogeschool
- Fontys Hogeschool HRM & Psychologie
- Fontys Hogeschool Economie en Communicatie
- Fontys Hogeschool Techniek en Logistiek
- Fontys Pedagogiek
- Fontys Sporthogeschool
- Fontys Toegepaste Natuurwetenschappen
- Fontys Marketing en Communicatie Tilburg
- Fontys Hogeschool Kind en Educatie
- Fontys Lerarenopleiding Sittard
Please find more information at the portal of your Fontys School to know more about the application and selection for NL Scholarship.

> Contact
If you want more information you should contact the coordinator internationalisation of your Fontys School. If your Fontys School is not listed on this page, then this scholarship is not available to you.
Coordinators Internationalisation