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Cluster Technology

> Cluster Technology

Fontys Natural Sciences

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Bart Smit Institutional coordination ab.smit@fontys.nl

Fontys Engineering

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Irina Claessen-Rodrigues de Gouveia Matos Rocha Institutional coordination engineering-international@fontys.nl
Melissa Statia Institutional coordination engineering-international@fontys.nl

Fontys Business Management, Education and Technology

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Susan van den Bergh Institutional coordination technischebedrijfskunde@fontys.nl

Fontys Technology and Logistics

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Franka van den Bongard Institutional coordination fhtenl-studyabroad@fontys.nl

Fontys Information and Communication Technology

Name Institutional specifications Email address
Marilyn Bailey Institutional coordination fontysict-studyabroad@fontys.nl