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Cluster Education

Ambience photo Fontys

Welcome to the Fontys Cluster Education page.

Our Cluster Education consists of 3 Fontys schools, spread out over the south of the Netherlands. In both Sittard and Tilburg we have a school of Teacher Training for Secondary Education and in Tilburg, Eindhoven, Venlo, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Veghel we have a school for Child Studies and Education. We have recently made the shift towards a cluster cooperation on internationalisation to improve the quality, relevance and efficiency of our processes and programmes in relation to internationalisation.

Currently it is the School of Teacher Training for Secondary Education Tilburg that offers two English taught exchange programmes, The BEES programme and the minor GDI. At the moment we do not offer a full English taught bachelor. International students with knowledge of the Dutch language can opt to take part in Dutch taught courses in all 3 institutes.

Partnerships and possible destinations

Within the Cluster of Education, we have partnerships with more than thirty educational institutes throughout Europe and the U.K.

We value the opportunities that this network affords our faculty and students to explore education from different cultural perspectives both during student and staff exchanges and in collaborative project work.

Overview of schools in this cluster

Fontys School of Teacher Training for Secondary Education Tilburg Exchange programmes:

  • BEES
  • Minor Global Development Issues (GDI)

For Fontys School of Teacher Training for Secondary Education Sittard and Fontys School of Child Studies and Education (Tilburg, Eindhoven, Venlo, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Veghel) there are no English-taught programmes.

Nomination and selection procedure Incoming International Students

If you are interested in studying a semester at our institute, start by contacting the International Office at your home institute. They can tell you whether a student exchange agreement exists between your university and Fontys cluster education and what the nature and conditions of the agreement are.

If you decide you want to select Fontys cluster education for your exchange, then your university can nominate you to the cluster officer for Incoming International Mobility stating the exchange programme of your choice.

Deadline for incoming mobility nominations for the fall semester is May 1st.

Deadline for incoming mobility nominations for the spring semester is October 1st.

Once we have received a nomination for you from your International Office we will send you an application link to our registration system called Mobility Online. The deadlines for registration are the following:

Deadline for the fall semester: May 15

Deadline for the spring semester: November 15

Contact Incoming International Mobility
Cluster Officer: Olga Ligtvoet,


Nomination and selection procedure Outgoing Fontys Students

Fontys Cluster Education will nominate according to nomination deadlines set by our partners. We nominate for each semester individually. In general, nominations are sent out between the end of September and the end of October for the Spring semester and between the end of February and the end of March.

Contact Outgoing International Mobility
Cluster Officer: Brenda de Vries
