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Additional Scholarships

> Additional Scholarships

For multiple reasons students can get an additional Erasmus+ scholarship for various purposes. Below the three options are explained. It can be that more than one case applies to you, for example if you have a health circumstance and use green travel.

1) Erasmus+ Additional Scholarship:

Erasmus+ aims to support all students that wish to take part in a study or internship abroad activity. There are additional scholarships for students with:

  • Health circumstance
  • Economic circumstance

Students that meet the requirements will be able to get an additional scholarship of € 100 (for a stay abroad of max. 14 days) or € 150 (for a stay abroad of 15 - 30 days). In Mobility Online you can upload the relevant proof, depending on your personal circumstance. This step in Mobility Online will become available after you have been selected for the Erasmus+ Scholarship.

You can of course already collect the proof, and we recommend you to do so before you reach that step in Mobility Online so your first payment is not delayed. In case of doubts if this funding might be available to you, or if you have other questions, please email studyabroad@fontys.nl The Erasmus+ Team of Fontys will help you further.

Health circumstance:

  • You should get a letter of a doctor, a document with an official diagnosis, an extract of your health file that shows a circumstance or a declaration of a doctor that states that you have a situation that limits you in your behaviour (mentally or physically).
  • It can be a disability (mental (intellectual, cognitive, learning), physical, sensory or other disabilities) but also chronic health problems (diabetis, dyslexia etc. etc.), severe illnesses or psychiatric conditions. There is no list and many situations apply.
  • With this document you go the Fontys Student Councellors. You can go to their (online) walk-in hours or schedule a meeting with them if you also want to discuss other things. The Counsellor deals carefully with your privacy and they are not allowed to share your health circumstance with other Fontys staff for this matter. You need to show the Councelor a proof of your health circumstance. They will then provide you with a statement that they have seen it. Please do not upload your medical proof to Mobility Online, only the letter of the Fontys Student Counsellor.

Economic circumstance:

  • This is for students that have a letter from DUO (Dutch Organisation for Education) where it shows that you are/were entitled to an additional scholarship (aanvullende beurs). An additional scholarship from DUO also means you can apply for an additional scholarship of Erasmus+.
  • The height of the additional scholarship/supplementary grant does not matter. As long as it is not € 0.
  • If your DUO support already stopped because you received it multiple years, you can still upload a letter from the period you did get the additional scholarship.
  • As proof, you have to upload a DUO letter showing the additional scholarship they awarded to you.
  • Due to privacy matters we are only allowed to accept DUO letters where the burgerservicenummer (BSN) is not visible. You can use a free online tool, Adobe or manually mark the BSN number on a printed version to hide the BSN number.

Economic circumstance (but no funding/proof from DUO):

  • For international students it can happen that they do not get funding from DUO, but that they do meet their criteria for the DUO additional scholarship (aanvullende beurs).
  • If you are not entitled to a DUO scholarship, but the DUO Calculation tool shows that would have been entitled to a DUO Supplementary Grant if you were to receive DUO funding, you can get the Erasmus+ additional scholarship.
  • In this case you have to download and sign the Declaration on Honour in Mobility Online and upload the signed version in Mobility Online.

2) Erasmus+ Extra Health Scholarship:

  • It can be that with the Erasmus+ basic scholarship and the Erasmus+ additional scholarship (€100- €150) it is still not possible to go abroad due to a health circumstance and that your situation requires extra financial support.
  • Additional funding is therefore available for students that want to go abroad and that due to a disability need extra support. For example; special housing, medical support, supportive equipment, mentoring or adjusted study materials.
  • Students that meet the conditions will get an extra Health Circumstance Scholarship for the amount they need. There is no maximum amount. In the Erasmus+ application procedure in Mobility Online you are able to request this funding for an indicative amount.
  • Afterwards you will be contacted to provide the necessary supportive documents. The amount will be based on real costs and approved documents for real expenses. These indicative expenses need to be assessed by the Dutch National Agency for Erasmus+ before Fontys can approve it, and the receipts / invoices will be assessed after your mobility for a final approval.
  • The platform Inclusive Mobility is the European platform about inclusion and support services offered by higher education institutions to international students. Visit their website to help prepare yourself.

3) Green Travel:

  • Students of Fontys that use train, bus or carpool on their 2-way trip to their destination will get a higher amount for travel support (for green travel). Next to that they will get up to 4 extra days of Erasmus+ scholarship for the possible extra travel days. For these additional days you will get the scholarship according to Erasmus+ scholarship amount for your destination, and if applicable the Erasmus+ additional scholarship per day.
  • The approval of the green travel amount and extra travel days will be done after your stay abroad. The extra payment is therefore only included in the last payment of your Erasmus+ scholarship.
  • For tips about Green Travel take a look at this page, read this blog and find Laura’s example here.
Green Travel