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Registration deadlines can be found on our website. You have one week to register for the minor study abroad. If your interested in a Minor Study Abroad make sure to be aware of these dates.


To start your Minor Study Abroad you need to have completed your propaedeutic (propedeuse/ 60 credits). Depending on your institute you will need to have completed your propaedeutic (propedeuse/ 60 credits) when you register.

MO Registration & Application

  • All Fontys students must register for their Minor Study Abroad in an online system called Mobility Online. You must register in Mobility Online as well as complete and submit your student registration form before the deadline. The registration form (in English) is organized in an easy-to-follow and logical order to gather information from you in a step-by-step manner.
  • The registration contains 8 steps in the following order:
  • 1. Registration details
  • 2. Personal data
  • 3. Data concerning the study
  • 4. Data concerning the study abroad (partner choices)
  • 5. Contact details in case of emergency
  • 6. Language competence
  • 7. Budget Planner
  • 8. Other information (Privacy Statement)


You also have to register your Minor Study Abroad in the ProgressPortal. Go to the ProgressPortal and log in with your PCN number. Then follow the steps:

  • Enrollments
  • Fontysminors
  • Start February 20XX / September 20XX
  • Buitenlandminor

Supply documentation

  • Confirmation of enrolment: you can request this from the ‘bedrijfsbureau’ at your Fontys School.
  • Proof of your level of English proficiency: this can be written by a teacher or your Coordinator Internationalisation. Team Study Abroad can send you an example letter if needed.
  • Recommendation letter: this can be written by a teacher or your coordinator Internationalisation. Team Study Abroad can send you an example letter if needed.
  • Transcript of records: you can get this from the ‘bedrijfsbureau’ at your Fontys School.

Partner requirements for enrollment

Even though you have registered for an exchange through Fontys, you still need to submit an application in a separate process to your host university. Once your nomination is confirmed by the partner, you will receive more information regarding the application process directly from them or through your International Coordinator (please keep in mind this can be an extensive process). Please note that all partner universities operate with strict deadlines for their applications. You are responsible for sending the required documentation within these deadlines, so please check your (Fontys) mail regularly. After you submit your application to the partner, the partner, your International Coordinator or Team Study Abroad will notify you of approval and provide further instructions.


Usually, you will receive an updated course list from the partner university. If this information isn't available yet, use the course list for the previous year. Visit the website of the host university and look for suitable courses. Some universities offer a special program for international students. Other universities offer the same courses to exchange students as to their bachelor students. Choose courses you are planning to take. Your Learning Agreement can be changed later, if needed.

Minor regulation

Please find the minor regulations here.

Minor regulations 2024-2025