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Studying abroad is an exhilarating adventure that can transform your life in remarkable ways. If you’re contemplating this exciting journey but feel a bit lost, don’t fear! Here are the nine captivating study abroad steps to set sail on your adventure.

1. Orientation

Questions to ask yourself

  • When can I go abroad and for how long?
  • Where do I want to go and why do I want to go there?
  • Does a minor abroad fit into my study program?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a minor abroad compared to a minor at Fontys?
  • What are my learning objectives? What are the competences I would like to develop?
  • What do I expect from my experience abroad?
  • Do I have the finances for a minor abroad in the country I would like to go to?
  • Do I believe I have sufficient determination and motivation to handle the extra preparations the minor abroad requires?
  • Registering to go abroad with friends may sound very attractive at this point however, the chances of you both been selected for the same university are quite slim. This is your adventure, so make your own plan.

Setting up a Plan B

The safety net! Imagine you’re a tightrope walker with a backup trampoline. If travel plans wobble, consider these alternatives:

  • Alternative Minor: explore an alternative minor at Fontys or another Dutch university.
  • Semester Shuffle: swap your semester for an internship

Connect with your coordinator Internationalisation to discuss your options for your plan B.