
When you start your study at Fontys in September, we have something cool in store for you: The Fonty Purple Week!

September is the start of the new academic year. We are excited to host the Purple introduction week for new first-year students from 26th of August to the 30th of August 

The Purple introduction week is all about getting to know each other. You will meet your classmates, learn about your program, explore the city where you'll study, and discover Fontys. We aim to make the Purple introduction week in 2024 as wonderful and exciting as it is every year.

Please note that Team Purple organizes the introduction week in Eindhoven, Tilburg, and Venlo. Each program and institute can choose to join all, some, or none of the Purple activities. The other Fontys locations, like Venlo, Sittard, Utrecht, and Den Bosch, will have their own local introduction weeks.

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Purple 2023

What is Purple?

In 2024, we're excited to host another Purple introduction week. Purple is all about welcoming new students and helping them get to know their classmates, their program, and the city. Make sure to check our website for updates about this event.

At Fontys, and for Purple especially, sustainability and vitality are key themes. We want our students to graduate in a healthy way and in a sustainable environment.

Purple supports these goals by offering sustainable activities and forming partnerships with the right organizations.

For example, we collaborate with Alcoholwijs, a Fontys project that promotes responsible alcohol use. We also work with the mobility project group to ensure Fontys is a safe, active, and accessible place. Plus, we encourage sustainable and healthy travel choices for both staff and students.

Don't forget to follow the Fontys channels before, during, and after Purple. The Purple team communicates via Instagram.

Ambience photo Fontys Ambience photo Fontys