What can I expect?

You are a participant @ Purple …

You will be studying at Fontys, which means you will take part in Fontys' introduction week called Purple. It happens the week before your classes start. You need to sign up through your program, and then you'll get more information and updates about the week. During this week, you will follow a schedule your program sets for Monday and/or Tuesday and then join activities organized by Fontys for everyone on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The introduction committees, along with intro-parents, will look after you. You're in good hands as an intro child. Together, we'll make sure it's a week to remember, where you'll make friends for life!

If you have questions about your introduction week, ask your introduction committee! You can find the contact details via your Fontys email or on www.fontys.nl/en/fresh-at-fontys 

You are intro-parent @ Purple …

You are an intro-parent during the introduction week. This week really needs good guidance, so we truly appreciate your help, champ! Throughout the year, you will sign a contract with your institute or introduction committee (IC), get informed, and take a first aid course to make sure you're well-prepared.

Your main job as an intro-parent is to make sure the intro-kids have a worry-free week and can come to you with any questions. You will look after a group of participants together with other intro-parents. Your IC will keep you involved and make sure you know what to expect at the end of August.

You are parent of a participant @ Purple …

Your child is going to study at Fontys and will take part in the introduction week. We promise a 'Warm Welcome' during this event from Fontys. The introduction committee and intro-parents (who are older students) will guide your child. These intro-parents have an agreement with the introduction committee about their responsibilities, rules, and how they should behave during the week.

Fontys trust persons are involved before, during, and after the introduction week to help with any issues. Also, the Fontys safety team makes sure everything goes smoothly and safely, from camping to the festival.

Throughout the week, your child will experience various aspects of student life, including sports, team-building activities, and a big festival to end the week. Joining in the introduction week is a great start to student life. It's also a chance to make lifelong friends. Senior students, the introduction committee, study and student associations, sports clubs, teachers, and staff will all be there to answer questions. This is also when your child will learn about the first period of lessons.

Please note: the ticket price to participate in the introduction week may vary by program. This depends on the program offered by your introduction committee..

Introduction Committee (IC)

The Introduction Committee (IC) mainly takes care of the parts of the introduction week that are specific to your program. Most activities happen on Monday and/or Tuesday. However, they can also happen on other days, as long as they don't overlap with the activities organized by Fontys for everyone.

Throughout the week, the IC makes sure everything runs smoothly. They also look after the intro-parents and handle communication between the intro-kids, intro-parents, the program, and Fontys.

Roles and responsibilities IC:

  • Organizes the introduction according to the frameworks and guidelines set by Fontys to ensure a safe Purple week and guides the students throughout the introduction week.
  • Acts on behalf of the institute director, has a direct line with the institute's first employee and the Purple organization.
  • Handles all communication towards the students and supervisors.
  • Is responsible, sets a good example by exhibiting mature behavior and adhering to the guidelines.
  • Ensures that there is no alcohol abuse and creates a socially safe environment.
  • Actively monitors the safety of all participants in the introduction.
  • Instructs the intro parents, so that they can perform their task properly.