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Knowledge theme

Future of learning

We are in a very dynamic region, where creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurship ensure technological and social progress. A region in which learning and development are essential conditions for continued participation.

We therefore see researching the future of learning, from child to professional, as an important social task. Within the knowledge theme Future of Learning, we want to contribute - from the perspective of learning and development - to the agility and resilience of our region's inhabitants and workforce.

Future of learning is a broad theme. The learning and development of children and young people requires a different type of organisation and support than that of professionals - after all, the context and the field of work are very different. That is why two knowledge centres are active within the knowledge theme, each with its own focus:

  • Knowledge centre Youth education for society (YES), focusing on the learning and development of children and young people in professional parenting and education contexts.
  • Knowledge centre Lifelong development (LLO), aimed at the lifelong development of the working professional, organisations and the network around them.

    Involved lectorates

    Please note: unfortunatly, all hyperlinks refer to our Dutch website at the moment:


    Leading lector Kenniscentrum Leven lang ontwikkelen:
    Kenniscentrum Leven lang ontwikkelen
    Leading lector Kenniscentrum Youth education for society:
    Photo of person

    R.A.W. (Rutger) van de Sande

    Lector Learning Design / leading lector kenniscentrum Youth Education for Society
    Kenniscentrum Youth education for society