The ambition of the Centre of Expertise Health (CoE Health) is that everyone has a fair chance at a healthy life. To this end, we work together with healthcare organizations, government, industry, citizens and other partners. We have a broad view of health: it is also about prevention, healthy behavior, lifestyle and skills. We focus on technical and social innovation. We connect education, research and practice. From that role, we drive research and innovation and bring parties together. The Centre of Expertise Health is a public-private partnership with Slimmer Leven, Pharos, GGD-BZO, Transvorm, Fontys Mens en Gezondheid en Fontys Paramedisch.
Research projects
Impact for Health: research projects with a mission
The Centre of Expertise Health translates its mission 'a fair chance at a healthy life for everyone' by strengthening research and innovation. Interdisciplinary collaboration is central to this. Within this framework, a research call has been launched for 2023, 2024 and 2025: Impact for Health. The goal is to stimulate new initiatives, strengthen collaborations and coalitions and give an impulse to the impact of research on education and/or professional practice.
Information on completed and ongoing Impact for Health research (in Dutch):
With practice-oriented research and innovation, we focus on three themes within the Centre of Expertise Health: health literacy, healthy physical and social living environments and collaborative care for the future.
Health literacy
To have a fair chance of living a healthy life, being able to take care of one's own health is a prerequisite. This does not come naturally to everyone. The health literacy theme pays attention to this. We look primarily at information skills and digital skills related to health topics. In addition, we look at the role of (future) professionals and the (cultural) sensitivity in their work. In doing so, we focus strongly on inclusive research and co-creation with userd with low health literacy.

In collaboration with

Dr. A.T.M. (Angelique) Dierick- van Daele
Lector Decision Support: Who CAREs?
Healthy physical and social environment
A healthy living environment contributes directly to equal opportunities for health and the reduction of health disparities. This includes, for example, cleaner air and a green environment, but also a good social and financial environment - think stable income, giving you livelihood security. It is therefore important that we continue to work on a healthy living environment that stimulates people and their networks to participate, meet and have a healthy lifestyle. For example, by working on exercise-friendly environments in the neighbourhood, at work and at school, or by building a social environment in which people feel empowered to take care of a healthy life themselves and together.

Dr. Ir. P.E.W. (Pauline) van den Berg
Senior onderzoekerCollaborative care for the future
An aging population, a high workload and an unsatisfactory work culture and conditions, among others, have led to large personnel shortages in the healthcare sector, which are only expected to increase in the coming years. This leads to an overload among healthcare workers and reduced quality of care. A healthy labor market is needed, with a better balance between supply and demand for care. Fontys is already working in various ways on both training new care professionals and retaining current care professionals. The use of (technological) care innovations can also play a role in this: as a result, care can be provided with fewer personnel, the informal care system is supported or the demand for care decreases.


Dr. T.J. (Teatske) van der Zijpp
Lector Technologie in het lectoraat Persoonsgerichtheid in een ouder wordende samenlevingPartners: connecting research, education and practice
Several lectorates are active within the Centre of Expertise Health. Lectorates conduct practice-oriented research, provide education and help innovate professional practice. A lectorate is led by the lector, who is an expert in a particular field. The lector works together with a research group, teachers, students and (external) experts. The Centre of Expertise Health is also affiliated with national lector platforms. The list is available below (in Dutch).
- AI en Big Data
- Applied Natural Sciences
- Continue professionele ontwikkeling van verpleegkundigen
- De ondernemende regio
- Decision Support: who CAREs?
- Designing the future
- Dynamische Talentinterventies
- Gezond Seksueel Opgroeien
- Empowering Healthy Behaviour
- Technology to Enable people in the Context of Health (TECH)
- Value Based Health Care
- Interaction Design
- Mens en Technologie
- Moral Design Strategy
- Move to be
- Persoonsgerichtheid in een ouder wordende samenleving
- Professionele werkplaatsen / Samenwerken met impact
- Sociale Veerkracht
- Thought leadership
- Versterking impact praktijkgericht onderzoek
- Technology acceptance, implementation and accessibility in health care
- Health Innovations and Technology (HIT)
Joint approach
The partners of the Centre of Expertise Health work together to address socioeconomic health disparities. Collaboration occurs between research, education and practice, as well as between disciplines and sectors. The Centre of Expertise Health encourages and supports these connections. An example are the hybrid learning environments, where students, teachers and industry professionals learn, work and research together. Another example is PITCH (Platform to Innovate, Test & Connect in Health)
Read more about PITCH (in Dutch)Fontys Pro Health: professional en personal development
Do you want to take career steps as a health professional, become better at your profession or gain inspiration? Check out the possibilities of Fontys Pro Health: everything Fontys has in store for health and well-being professionals, under one roof.
Read more about Fontys Pro Health (in Dutch)Networks
The Centre of Expertise Health is represented in various networks, such as Coalitie Vitaal in Brainport and Alliantie Gezondheidsvaardigheden and we work together with (SME) technology developers. Slimmer Leven, Pharos, GGD-BZO, Transvorm, Fontys Mens en Gezondheid en Fontys Paramedisch form the board of the Centre of Expertise Health.

Also want to research together?
Do you have an innovative issue that you would like to research with the teachers and students of Fontys University of Applied Sciences? Get in touch with us.

Lieky van Beek
Onderzoeksmanager Centre of Expertise HealthNewsletter
Want to stay up to date on developments, events, milestones and ways to collaborate with the Centre of Expertise Health? Sign up for our e-newsletter, published six times a year (in Dutch).
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