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Persoonsgerichtheid in een ouder wordende samenleving

The aim of the lectoraat is to jointly investigate current and difficult issues surrounding person-centeredness in an aging society in order to arrive at realistic, practice-oriented solutions.

About the lectoraat

Leadership and technology are central to our research to sustainably support and realize transitions in care, learning and working relationships. Characteristic of our approach is that we use creative, historical and participatory forms. We adopt a person-oriented perspective in which relationships and polyphony are central. “For us, leadership and technology are about relationships, close to patients, clients and relatives and the work of students, (care) professionals, managers, policy makers, developers and administrators.” In all our projects, the self-control and dignity of everyone involved is firmly anchored, where every story counts.

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“Leadership and technology are about relationships, close to patients, clients and relatives and the work of students, (care) professionals, managers, policy makers, developers and administrators”


Lector Leadership

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Dr. P.C.B. (Pieterbas) Lalleman

Lector Leiderschap in het lectoraat Persoonsgerichtheid in een ouder wordende samenleving

Pieterbas Lalleman is lector Leadership at the lectorate Persoonsgerichtheid in een ouder wordende samenleving. He is a nurse with a preference for the work of healthcare professionals and leadership and management issues. He is also involved as a senior researcher in the national RN2Blend research program into differentiated work by nurses. He also works with various PhD students on studies in the field of nursing leadership. Lalleman is also a visiting assistant professor at the University of Alberta and works as a community nurse at Buurtzorg and as a supervisor in healthcare. Finally, Pieterbas Lalleman is chairman of the Historical College FNI at the professional association V&VN and is associated with education as a teacher.

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Lector Technology

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Dr. T.J. (Teatske) van der Zijpp

Lector Technologie in het lectoraat Persoonsgerichtheid in een ouder wordende samenleving

Teatske van der Zijpp is lector Technology, where she actively seeks connections between research, education, professional practice and business to support the digital transition of care from a person-centered vision. Van der Zijpp is involved in various projects in which she investigates how innovations can contribute to better care and learning relationships that benefit everyone involved. Examples are the Learning Innovation project with Stories about Technology and projects towards innovations in Learning with Virtual Reality or Smart Glasses. Teatske wants to develop knowledge about healthcare technology in local healthcare contexts and share this regionally with various healthcare institutions with a view to the transition to working differently in healthcare.

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