Elite sports and study choice
We advise you to choose a program that genuinely interests you.
This step is actually separate from your career as an elite athlete: what would you want to become if you weren't an elite athlete?
From experience, we know that it becomes quite challenging when you choose a study solely based on sports facilities. It's tough to motivate yourself for a study you don't actually enjoy for four years (or even longer). That's why we recommend that you, as an elite athlete, start by exploring the study you would have chosen if you weren't an elite athlete.
Consider what you want, what you're capable of, and what you find enjoyable.
- What activities do I enjoy?
- Where are my strengths?
- What energizes me?
Discuss these questions with your student counsellor, parents, friends, or other people who know you well.
Tips for choosing your study programmeIf desired, we can also connect you with athletes who are already studying in the programme of your choice. You can request this via topsportbeleid@fontys.nl.
Once you've decided on the study you want to choose, important questions arise:
- Can this study programme truly be combined with my top-level sports commitment?
- What does the Fontys Elite Sport Policy entail for this study, and what is expected of me?
To find answers to these questions, we recommend scheduling an intake interview with the elite sports coordinator at Fontys University of Applied Sciences.
Ideally, plan this conversation before applying for the study programme (deadline: May 1st).
Since during this intake interview, we also discuss aspects like your study plan and class allocation, it's crucial that this conversation takes place before the summer break.
If you only approach the elite sports coordinator at the start of the academic year, you risk missing out on making such arrangements.