International Financial Markets
Course name: International Financial Markets
Cluster: Finance
Period: International Business - Year 4
Semester: Fall Semester (starts in September)
Study load: 5 ECTS (~140 hours)
Exam: written exam
Course description
In this subject we will delve into the fascinating world of financial markets and the main financial titles traded there, being equities (shares), bonds and various derivatives. We will focus on their key features and role in the wider economy and business. Special emphasis is placed on valuation of these titles and how to determine returns of various investment strategies. During the lectures we will discuss important general models and link them to cases from practice and current developments on the markets.
Competences and learning objectives
After the course you can:
- Will have knowledge about the dynamics and functions of (international) capital markets and the main financial titles traded on those markets;
- Calculate returns of various investment strategies in equities, bonds and derivatives and understand bond valuation;
- How to use derivatives as both speculative instruments and as hedging tools.