Sales Management
Course name: Sales Management
Cluster: Marketing
Period: International Business - Year 4
Semester: Fall Semester (starts in September)
Study load: 5 ECTS (~140 hours)
Exam: coursework: individual report (60% of individual grade) submitted via Gradework, learning curve shown in Feedpulse, evidence attached to report (10% of individual grade), individual presentation of key results in front of peers and Fontys lecturers (30% of individual grade).
Course description
This module focuses on providing conceptual and practical guidance on (re-)developing a sales strategy in an international B2B context. Drafting an actionable sales strategy forms a concrete basis for a strong competitive edge and start with questions such as:
What do we sell?
Who do we sell to?
Where do we sell?
What problems do we solve?
These, and more questions boil down to: How to build or improve an effective sales strategy? This will be the agenda with which you can make a difference for a B2B company of your choice as a young professional and improve their sales effort!
Competences and learning objectives
After the course you can:
- Investigate, analyse and generate insights in the different phases of the customer journey and the related sales planning process of a B2B company. What can they sell more and/or better?
- Analyse and synthesize the sales-related (digital) tooling of the B2B company, including: sales funnel, KAM, forecasting & pricing, CRM and sales team. How can they sell more and/or better?
- Draw conclusions on the sales strategy of the company and their use of sales-related (digital) tooling. Provide actionable improvements as a result of the research output. What is the concrete strategic advice?
- Produce work in and appropriate format nurturing a critical thinking approach and demonstrating an understanding of academic conventions. Sales Improvement Plan.