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China and the World Economy

  • Starts September
  • English
  • 30 ECTS
  • 5 months
Curious about China's rapid rise as an economic superpower? Want to grasp its global impact? Explore the China's Economic Impact minor at Fontys. Gain practical insights and network with Shanghai experts!

About this minor

Explore China's rapid economic rise and its global impact in the minor China and the World Economy. Gain practical insights and case studies for working with Chinese companies. No midterms; earn credits in January. Participate in a unique study trip to Shanghai, visiting companies and working with local students. Learn objectively about China's growth from multiple perspectives and apply theory through a research project. 

Why the minor China and the World Economy?

  • Enrich your knowledge of China's economy and global influence at FSBC Eindhoven;
  • Collaborate on research with students from the Shanghai Institute of Technology;
  • Receive dedicated coaching for actionable business insights.

More about the minor

Explore China's latest cutting-edge developments with this specialized minor. Immerse yourself in Shanghai's hushed electric buzz, explore its expansive digital marketplace, and witness the fast-paced construction of monumental infrastructure. 

  • The minor includes visits to major economic forums and medical technology centers;
  • You'll observe China's advanced digital and consumer-driven economy firsthand;
  • The programme cultivates personal growth and cross-cultural competencies;
  • You’ll gain insight into global trade strategies and manufacturing capabilities.

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There are three distinct elements in the educational approach of the China minor. Firstly, every attempt has been made to deliver an objective view of the growth of China. This entails that the staff will bring in both Western as well as Chinese perspectives on the topic. Secondly, the theoretical part of minor (3 modules of each 5 ECTS) will explain China from historical, political and sustainability perspectives. And finally, the Research Project (10 ECTS) and Student Reflection (5 ECTS) will reflect the ‘practical’ part of the course – i.e. applying theory to actual Chinese case-studies.

The subjects taught in the China and World Economy minor are:

  • China since 1979 – An Historical Context;
  • The Political Economy of Contemporary China;
  • Smart Cities and Sustainability;
  • The Research Project in collaboration with Shanghai Institute of Technology.

You will also learn how to collaborate on a project with each other and the students from Shanghai Institute of Technology. First in a hybrid setting and then in-person during the study trip to China. This project will also offer the opportunity to work with a client company/organisation in a real-world professional setting.

We facilitate a study-trip to China during the Autumn exam weeks. The trip last approximately 2 weeks, and the goal is to explore the city of Shanghai first-hand, visit our partner university campus – The Shanghai University of Technology, and continue working on the research project together with the SIT students. The research project begins online in September and is supported by the visit to Shanghai for further collaboration over 2 weeks. During the trip, the students also visit other towns of Shanghai outside of the city, visit companies in the region, as well as indulge in the touristic offerings of the city. The trip is partly financed by the student, and partly by Fontys. All travel, visa, accommodation, and activities in Shanghai are organized by Fontys & the partner university.

This type of working relationship with a Chinese university for the research project is unique in the Netherlands.

Applying for the minor China and the World Economy can be a strategic decision for several reasons, esspecially considering the dynamic and influential role China plays in today's global economic affairs. China is the world's second-largest economy and a major player in international trade and investment. Specific knowledge of China's economy and business practices can open up a wide range of career opportunities in multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations, and governmental agencies that engage with China. It can also benefit entrepreneurs looking to tap into Chinese markets or collaborate with Chinese companies.


For who?

The minor China and the World Economy is particularly well-suited for students who have specific interest in China's influence in global economics. So, if you are curious about Chinese culture and history, have career aspirations involving China and have an ambition to cooperate with people from the otherside of the world, you should definitely consider applying!



How to apply for this minor

Sign up for a minor starting in September from February 1 until July 1 at the latest.

Sign up for a minor starting in February from July 1 until December 15 at the latest.

Please note

  • Not every minor starts in February and in September. You can find the start dates at the top of the minor's page.
  • To take part in the minor, you must have obtained your propaedeutic diploma or have permission from the examination board of your programme.

Note: not all minors are available every semester. To find out when this programme is offered, please check its specific details.

How to apply as an exchange student

Applications should always be submitted via the International Exchange (or Erasmus) Officer at the home university. If several versions of the programme are offered, please indicate for which version you would like to apply to (Programme I, Programme II, Programme III, etc.) This officer will send your application request (nomination) to Fontys. Once Fontys has accepted the application, your Fontys study department will send you a link to a web application called Mobility Online.

Deadline for application

Fall semester: 15 May
Spring semester: 15 November

Note: Not all exchange programmes are available every semester. To find out when this programme is offered, please check its specific details.



Register here for one of our activities. This way you can be sure whether this is the minor for you! We hope to see you soon!

There are currently no activities planned for this study programme. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Practical information

This minor is taught in English. You will be a part of a multicultural class of people with different background stories.
Included in the minor is a study trip to the city of Shanghai. The costs of this study trip are partly paid by Fontys, but we also expect your own contribution. How high this amount is varies from year to year.

A minor regulation informs you about what you will learn, how the assessment is structured, and when you have completed the minor. As a student, you can derive rights from the minor regulation.

Go to minor regulations

