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Master Performing Public Space

Eager to learn and recreate Public Space? Online learning platform ✔ Individual coaching ✔ 3x Bootcamps ✔ Research ✔ International community ✔ Multidisciplinary ✔

  • Full-time
  • Master
  • Tilburg
  • September
  • English

Master Sport- en Bewegingsonderwijs

Leer bij de master het accent te leggen op toegepast onderzoek en dan met name op het ontwerpen en implementeren van bewezen effectieve onderwijs- en beweeginterventies.

  • Part-time
  • Master
  • Eindhoven
  • September
  • Dutch

Master Strategische Communicatie

Strategische communicatie voor professionals in de purpose economie. Ontwikkel je vaardigheden met de unieke eenjarige hbo master van Fontys en NHL Stenden.

  • Full-time
  • Master
  • Tilburg, Leeuwarden
  • September
  • Dutch

Master System Design

The Master of Science in System Design is a 2-year programme at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, School of Engineering at Brainport Eindhoven.

  • Full-time
  • Master
  • Eindhoven
  • September
  • English

Master System Design

Become the engineer, who crosses disciplines, who can think in conceptual and technical terms and controls interfaces of the technical disciplines in system design to ensure working effectively and efficiently.

  • Part-time
  • Master
  • Eindhoven
  • September
  • English

Master Toetsdeskundige

De tweejarige deeltijdmaster Toestdeskundige is opgebouwd rond beroepsvaardigheden zoals het begeleiden van innovaties en uitvoeren van onderzoek.

  • Part-time
  • Master
  • Tilburg
  • September
  • Dutch

Master Urbanism

Are you interested in how our surroundings and buildings are designed? If you’re looking for a unique learning experience, then this dynamic, creative, and practical programme might be for you.

  • Part-time
  • Master
  • Tilburg
  • September
  • English

Mechanical Engineering

Are you fascinated by technology? Do you have an interest in Mechanical Engineering and do you want to choose a wide study field that gives you many job opportunities after graduation.

  • Full-time
  • Bachelor
  • Eindhoven
  • September, February
  • English


De voltijdopleiding Mechatronica leidt je op tot specialist in het systematisch ontwerpen van besturingstechnieken van robotgestuurde producten en machines.

  • Full-time
  • Bachelor
  • Eindhoven, Venlo
  • September, Februari
  • Dutch


Mechatronics is a combination of electrical & electronic engineering, mechanical engineering and ICT & technology. In this bachelor program, you are a thinker and a doer.

  • Full-time
  • Bachelor
  • Eindhoven, Venlo
  • September
  • English

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