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Do you like mathematics? Would you like to help organisations to solve their hardest problems? Do you like to puzzle with data and look for patterns? Then the Data Science track of Applied Mathematics is the place for you!

About the programme

This programme prepares you to become a Data Scientist with a focus on applications in Logistics and Engineering. You could work for example on the most efficient route for a delivery service of a (web)shop or supermarket, a dashboard for a theme park with expected waiting times, a prediction of the number of returns for a clothing brand or a model to plan replacement of airplane parts to avoid problems while flying.

Artificial Intelligence
is a common theme within the whole programme. It is a combination of mathematics, statistics and logic that helps to take quick, smart and personalised decisions. Voice recognition, movie suggestions on Netflix and self-driving cars are examples of technical developments with artificial intelligence.

Why study Applied Mathematics/Data Science at Fontys?

  • Small educational groups and lots of personal contact with teachers;
  • Multiple challenging projects per year for real companies in the Brainport region, the technical development region around Eindhoven;
  • Three internships to apply your knowledge at different companies, to explore the labour market and to gain work experience;
  • Teachers from the industry with more than 25 years of experience in data science;
  • The programme combines both practical and theoretical sides of data science.
What is the difference between a university of applied sciences and a research university?


What are you going to learn?

In the first two years, our lecturers will equip you with a broad, but solid mathematical basis. During your entire studies you will work on challenging projects with your fellow students and you will gain practical experience during different internships. We guide you in mathematical modelling, analysis and solving complex problems.

After studying Data Science, you will be the person who identifies problems in an organisation and finds solutions using mathematics. You will learn to work together in a multidisciplinary team and to master technical matters. 

What can you expect?

  • A solid mix of theory (knowledge) and practice;
  • Work on real (company) assignments and projects;
  • You will learn about ethics as we cannot leave all choices to be taken by machines;
  • You will develop programming skills on a higher level, in Python and other programmes that you would need for engineering and operations research in order to improve company processes;
  • You will be able to translate complex mathematical models into an easy to understand business language.

Welcome to Applied Mathematics/Data Science!

Applied Mathematics students

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Life at Fontys Engineering

Curious about the dynamic student life at Fontys Engineering? Dive into the world of our students and find out in 'Life at Fontys Engineering'! This video offers a unique glimpse into the daily life of Applied Mathematics/Data Science students.

What does your week look like?

Studying Data Science can be challenging, but the programme offers you enough variety:

  • One moment you're following a lecture;
  • The next moment you're in a brainstorm to solve a challenge in the logistics sector;
  • Or programming a mathematical model to find a solution for a company;
  • Always together with your fellow students and/or under the guidance of our instructors/lecturers.