Study Preview International Communication Management Eindhoven

Experience what it's like to study International Communication Management at Fontys
This weeks calendar gives you an insight of student life, our project based programme and how we prepare you for your professional career. You can scroll through the week and get a preview of what it's like to study International Communication Management in Eindhoven. You can do so by watching the presentations of the programme, the mini lecture, watching video's and making assignments.
A typical International Communication Management student:
• is very pro-active and involved;
• participates in and organises a wide range of (student) projects and extra-curricular activities;
• flourishes in our small scale approach.
Are you (almost) convinced that this will be the programme of your choice? Get in touch with us through WhatsApp, one of our students can help you with all of your questions.
Bike ride to Fontys
Bike ride to Fontys
In this video you see our student Liz on her way to Fontys. If you think of Holland you think of bikes. There are in fact more bikes than citizens. How do our international students experience this typical Dutch habit...

Video about studying at ICM
What does it mean to study International Communication Management at Fontys Eindhoven?
Video about studying at ICM
Amy is also studying Communication at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven. Eindhoven is known as the Brainport Region of the world. Innovation and creativity are just a few of the skills you will need as a communication professional. During your stay at Fontys you will learn new ways and skills to guide yourself through the 21st century as a communication professional.

With my own personal study coach.
During your time at International Communication Management you will be assigned a personal study coach. Where possible, a single study coach is assigned for the full duration of the four-year programme. In this way, the study coach is able to establish a close relationship with the student. The study coach tracks the developmental progress of a student and is close at hand to offer constructive advice and support.
The study coach is available to assist students with any study-related problems. He or she offers general support throughout the programme and can refer students to a range of specialist advisors if and when necessary. The study coach is there to facilitate personal reflection, to motivate students, and to prepare them for their graduation. The ability to self-reflect is essential for gaining a realistic insight into one’s natural strengths and weaknesses. Part of the study coach’s role involves discussing a future career plan that will fit the talents and aspirations of the individual student.

Feedback assignment
How to deal with Dutch directness.
Feedback assignment
In an intercultural classroom some (Western) cultures are used to be being bold and blunt in their feedback. This, however, doesn’t mean that they criticise you personally. They only provide feedback on your work or ideas in a more direct and blunt way than you might be used to. In Dutch culture, honesty and directness are valued highly while in other cultures saving face and not embarrassing others is more important.
In this short assignment you can experience what kind of situations you may face. Just remember: compliments for good work are also very common!

Meeting with my project group of international students.
When you study in the Netherlands, you will experience the way of teaching is different than in your home country. You will work together with your fellow students at projects for real companies.
You will have classmates from many different cultures. By working together you will develop intercultural skills that will prepare you for an international career.

Check your English level
Check your English level
When applying for International Communication Management, a minimum level of proficiency in the English language is required, as detailed in the information you can find on the study programme page. You must substantiate your level of English-language proficiency by submitting evidence in the form of a language test result pertaining to one of the below-mentioned courses.

Eva shows a day at her internship!
In the 3rd year of ICM, students have the opportunity to apply to companies of their choice and complete a 6 month internship.
One of the internship assignments is to create a company video that shows what makes the company special and why future interns should choose this organization. You can have a lot of fun with it but of course there’s also some criteria to follow. For example, students must show the international / intercultural component of their internship at this organisation. The video shows the culture of the organization and should answer future intern's questions whether this is organisation a good match for them. Check out this video made by an ICM student who interned for the Social Hub!

Quick and fun test
What do you know about Fontys?
Quick and fun test
What do you think the atmosphere is like at International Communication Management? Do the test and find out!

Dinner with friends
What do lectures and classes look like?
What do lectures and classes at International Communication Management look like?

Meeting at FACT student association to organise the next student party.
FACT is the student association for all Communication students. The students at FACT organise events and workshops for students, such as Photoshop workshops, guest lectures and student parties.
Becoming a member of one of Fontys' student associations is a fun way to meet people and to train your organisational skills.

@ Stratumseind Eindhoven (the longest bar street in The Netherlands)
Coen gives a lecture about the introduction to communication.
Watch this short lecture and test your knowledge in the test below.

Test your knowledge of the subject above.
At the study programme International Communication Management in Eindhoven, your theoretical knowledge is tested with an exam. Make this test after following the mini lecture above.

Wandering in the city of Eindhoven
Photo: Bart van Overbeeke
How to apply?
Can we help you with your application?