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Music and Performing Arts

Bachelor | Conservatory of Music Tilburg


Master of Music

Fontys Academy of the Arts


The Fontys Music department organises several events throughout the year. These events can be projects, festivals, concerts or masterclasses. You can find upcoming projects in our events agenda. For an impression of past events, you can navigate to the Fontys Conservatory of Music Tilburg & Master of Music Performance Gallery.

Events Agenda Performance Gallery
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"When a student dares to do something, the school provides them with opportunities."

Partner network

Music and Performing Arts has multiple collaborations with local- and (inter)national cultural organisations and institutions. The department collaborates with them on projects and initiatives on a regular basis.

  • Brabant Koor
  • De Kring Roosendaal
  • Factorium Cultuurmakers
  • Grachtenfestival
  • Hasseltse Kapel
  • La Piratesse
  • Living Composers Society
  • Make it Jazz Festival
  • Museum de Pont
  • Paradox Tilburg
  • Philharmonie Zuidnederland
  • Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg
  • St. Willibrorduskerk Deurne
  • Willem Twee Toonzaal Den Bosch

Social Media

The programmes Music and Performing Arts and the Master of Music have their own social media channels. Get informed about events and, get an impression of the life of a student.

Instagram Facebook