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Master of Music

  • 2 year(s)
  • English
  • Master
  • Full-time

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Are you musically gifted and do you seek a career as a professional performer on an international stage? Then this master might be for you. Fontys offers a unique programme with a personalised component in which you receive a 2-year budget to tailor the programme according to your needs. Additionally, a personal coach will guide you on your path towards your future career as a highly skilled and professional musician.


The Fontys Master of Music is a truly unique programme designed to cater to your artistic and professional needs. Choose your direction in Classical, Jazz, Music Theatre, Pop, or Creator Performer. Throughout your studies, you will be guided by your main professor, a personal career coach, and a research coach.

As a Master of Music student at Fontys, you receive a two-year personal budget, ranging from €3000 to €4000 per year, to tailor your curriculum. You may even use this budget to take lessons with artists outside Fontys, even internationally.

Our strong connections with local concert halls and venues provide ample performance opportunities in the region. With personalised support and a wealth of resources, you will be well-prepared for a successful career as a highly skilled and professional musician.

Why this study in the Netherlands?

  • Extensive personalisation and bespoke study programmes.
  • You will be guided by three coaches: a main professor, your personal career advisor and a research coach.
  • This study provides many network opportunities, as you can choose to be taught by educators and professionals from outside of the school.
  • You will be part of an international community of 600 music students and 1500 art students.

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I really appreciate the fact that the teachers give us all the necessary tools to be a professional musician, push us out of our comfort zone, and at the same time, deeply respect our individuality and encourage us to follow our own paths."



Music students performing



Music Theatre


Creator Performer

Post-Master Certificate

Ensemble Performance

Contract Study


  • Individual instrumental lessons, chamber music & ensemble, coaching on research and study career.
  • Elective courses for your personal and professional development.
  • Project weeks connected with other performing arts master students.
  • Extended research programme, connected with other performing arts.
  • Performance exam at the end of each academic year.
  • Three supervisors: your main professor, a personal career coach and a research coach.
  • A personal budget that you can use to personalise the curriculum according to your artistic and professional needs.
  • Ample performance opportunities in the region.

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Before the entrance exam, it is important to think about your career goals. In your personal development plan, you outline your professional goals for the upcoming years of study. This plan supports your personal qualities and interests, and sketches where you see yourself as a professional in two years. Your plan will be evaluated by the exam commission and is part of the application procedure.
In your first year you will have individual and group lessons on your instrument, based on your personal plan.
You can choose 3 electives, that will fit your need to become a complete professional.
6 research days are planned to teach and inspire you to research a topic that fits your personal artistic practice.
A performance exam is planned where you can show your achievements.

In your second year the work on your artistic plan continues.
There will be two projects to connect your plans to your professional future. Together with your research coach you will finalize your research.
Eventually all three parts; artistic, research and professionalism will show in your final performance.

Click here for the full curriculum

Artistic Research is a vital part of our programme. This approach integrates creative practice with scholarly inquiry, allowing students to explore, experiment, and reflect on their art. Through Artistic Research, musicians develop a deeper understanding of their craft and contribute new knowledge to the field. Our programme collaborates with other master’s programmes through the Artistic Research Days, fostering interdisciplinary exchange and enriching the educational experience.

Conference Society for Artistic Research

SAR promotes artistic research within and outside academic institutions. They facilitate collaboration and communication through conferences and meetings, and disseminate knowledge about artistic research practices and results.

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English language proficiency

English language proficiency

Admission requirements for the master's degree programme

Prequisite for admission is a Bachelor of Music degree or equivalent.

Code of conduct

Fontys University of Applied Sciences will act according to the Code of Conduct

    English language proficiency

    English language proficiency

    Admission requirements for the master's degree programme

    Prequisite for admission is a Bachelor of Music degree or equivalent.
    In case a candidate cannot provide a Bachelor of Music degree, an intake procedure will be initiated.


    As a non-EU/EEA student, the Netherlands will require an Entry Visa* (MVV) and a Residence Permit. Fontys will apply on behalf of its students for these documents. We recommend you start the process early, i.e. approximately three months before you plan to enter the Netherlands.

    More information about Visa

    *except nationals from Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, South Korea, the USA and Vatican City State.

    Code of conduct

    Fontys University of Applied Sciences will act according to the Code of Conduct

      English language proficiency

      For the English taught programmes, the minimum English language proficiency required. As an applicant with a Dutch MBO-4, HAVO- or VWO-diploma you can be exempted from submitting the language proficiency test.

      Admission requirements for the master's degree programme

      Prequisite for admission is a Bachelor of Music degree or equivalent.

      Code of conduct

      Fontys University of Applied Sciences will act according to the Code of Conduct

        Non-EU students who do not yet meet the requirements of the Master’s programme, but who can be expected to develop their skills within a reasonable amount of time to reach the appropriate level, may be accepted to the Pre-Master, a preparatory year. During the Pre-Master, students follow intensive lessons in preparation of the first year of the Master. The decision to accept a student to the preparatory year will be communicated to the student after the audition.



        The tuition fees indicator helps you to determine the tuition rate for your situation. The information and tuition rates from this indicator are without engagement.

        go to tuition fees indicator 2024-2025

        Statutory tuition fees and institutional tuition fees

        A distinction is made between statutory tuition fees and institutional tuition fees. Only if you satisfy all statutory requirements regarding your nationality and if you have not yet been awarded a degree, will you be eligible for statutory tuition fees. Via the tuition fees indicator, you can secure an indication of the type of tuition fees that will be applicable in your situation. To do so, please make use of the indicator above.

        Distinctions are made between the following types of Institutional Tuition Fees:

        • Low institutional tuition fees
        • High institutional tuition fees

        Different types of tuition fees and Exemption Regulations

        These different types of tuition fees and the Exemption Regulations are fully detailed in the:

            Tuition Fees Regulations 2024-2025

            The amount to be paid may vary in accordance with the following situations:

            • If you have enrolled in more than one course programme (at Fontys and/or elsewhere), it is possible that you may only be obliged to pay one set of statutory tuition fees.
            • If you believe that you may be eligible to pay only the statutory tuition fees on the basis of information that may be unknown to us, please report this to your Course Department.
            • If it later transpires that you do not meet the requirements for statutory tuition fees, you will be obliged to pay the (higher) institutional tuition fees and if this is the case, you will be notified accordingly.

            Paying in instalments

            Collection will occur in a maximum of ten equal instalments on or around the 26th of the month. Depending upon the processing time required after your enrolment, the direct debit may need to be moved to the following month. If so, the amount outstanding will then be divided and added to the remaining instalments to be executed until and including the June instalment.

            If paying the full sum in a single payment

            If you commence your studies on 1 September, the direct debit pertaining to your Tuition Fees will be executed on or around 25 September. If you commence your studies after 1 September, the direct debit will be executed on or around the 26th of the month in which you commence your studies.

            Non-EU students

            Incoming non-EU students will receive a payment letter from their study department, which must be paid before the deadline. In the following academic years, payment can be made by direct debit.


            If you have a Bank account number of which the bank is not situated in one of the SEPA countries, and you are a national of a country outside the EEA without an address in The Netherlands, then you will receive a payment letter from Fontys via your course department.

            The Dutch currency unit is the Euro (i.e. abbreviated to ‘EUR’ or ‘€’).

            The average living expenses per month for a foreign student living and studying in Holland are between EUR 1,100 and EUR 1,500 per month. These living expenses cover rent, insurance, food, public transportation, books, clothing and other general costs. 

            Dutch Immigration Service (IND) requires non-EEA students to proof they have access to € 14.641 per year (€ 7.320 per semester)

            Costs within the first months upon arrival will be higher than all other months due to a housing deposit, intro week and books. Study books are usually bought at the start of the semester and therefore it is wise to reserve and have direct access to an amount at the start of the semester which can cover the price of all study books and the living expenses for the first two months. 

            Before starting your study at Fontys, you must find suitable housing. Unfortunately, it is not easy for international students to find accommodation in the Netherlands due to the housing crisis. Start your accommodation search early. Please be aware that finding a place to live is your own responsibility. However, we are happy to assist in any way we can.

            More information about accommodation


            Career opportunities

            After your studies the whole professional musical field is open for you. You can audition and join theatre companies, orchestras and ensembles. You will have the ability to create your own work, by starting collaborations, groups and ensembles or doing free lance work. You will be a professional musical entrepreneur, with a strong network, who knows how to arrange sustenance.

            • Musical entrepreneur
            • Orchestral musician
            • Theatre performer
            • Free lance musician

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            Arthema Quartet:
            The Master of Music program will not only help you in developing your musical skills, but also will educate you in abilities a contemporary artist needs in a rapidly evolving artistic landscape."

            How to apply

            All applications for our programmes have to be conducted via www.studielink.nl. Studielink is an online portal that allows applicants to apply and maintain their registration whenever they want to.

            How to apply for admission at Fontys Academy of the Arts

            The Master of Music application process may differ for EU and Non-EU students, please read below what applies for you.

            Admission Support

            Do you have any questions regarding the audition process, Portal Plus or anything else? Do not hesitate to call us or send us an e-mail. We are here to help!


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            Audition process

            Ambience photo Fontys
            • To take part in the audition you first have to apply. See the link "How to apply for admission above what the 2 steps are for application.
            • Candidates living in the Netherlands, Belgium and western Germany will be invited to participate in a live audition.
            • Candidates living in other countries can upload a video audition after receiving an email with a link to their personal file. The deadlines for uploading a video audition are 29-01-2024, 15-04-2024 and 20-05-2024.
            • Both the live audition and the online audition will be assessed on the same dates. The auditions will take place in the following weeks: 5-9 February 2024, 22-26 April 2024 or 27-31 May 2024 (the last one is not accessible for Non-EEA candidates because of the Visa procedure) The exact dates per main subject can be found here (download).
            • After this audition weeks it is still possible to audition for EEA candidates; after applying we will contact you about the date.
            • Read the Admission Requirements below for details about what to prepare for your live or online audition.
            • All candidates have to submit a Personal Development Plan (PDP), outlining their professional goals for the years of study, and a CV. The deadlines for uploading the PDP and CV are 30-01-2023, 20-03-2023 and 22-05-2023. You can upload these in your personal file.
            • The deadline for the auditions of Master of Music-Pop is 1 February!
            • The deadline for the preselection of Master of Music-Music Theatre is 12 May. The audition for selected candidates is on the 4th of June.
            • The educational support office will send you the result of the audition.
            • If you are admitted, the student administration will send you an email about your enrollment and will ask you to send your diploma / degree certificate.
            • Make sure you apply in time! If you are accepted early on you can start looking for a room, your place is guaranteed and you don't have to be on a waiting list, you will receive all the information on time, you can already participate in activities, you can already make contact with the teachers etc.

            Admission requirements

            To be admitted for the auditions, specific entry requirements should be met. Check all the admission requirements via the button below.

            Admission requirements


            The longer you wait with your application and enrolment, the harder it will be to find a room in Tilburg. Tilburg is a real student city, so from July/August, it isn't easy to find a room.




            Sign up for one of our events. There's no better way to find out if this study programme is right for you! Visit a webinar from the comfort of your home or meet us live on campus. Whichever you choose, we hope to meet you soon.

            Open Day
            November 2, 2024

            Having trouble making up your mind about your future studies? Or maybe you've already decided? Either way, we invite you to experience it firsthand at our Open Day. Step onto our campus and get a real taste of what your chosen study programme could be like. Our students and teachers will be your guides, ready to show you around.

            Mark your calendar for our upcoming Open Day on November 2nd, 2024.

            Do you want to be a part of it? Simply share your details, and you'll be among the first to receive updates.

            More events

            Our team is here to help you with your choice of study. Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to book a trial lesson or if you have a question about the auditions for example. Don't hesitate to send us an e-mail or give us a call.


            Contact and location

            Do you have a question?