Empowering Healthy Behaviour (EHB)

Enabling People with Technology in Health (TECH)

Interprofessioneel Samenwerken (IP)
And you will notice this in the last phase of your training!
The differentiation teams support year 4 for all students within the School for Allied Health Professions, and each team also offers a minor. By making smart choices in year 3 and/or 4, you can differentiate (distinguish, or specialize) yourself on 1 theme and thus enter the labor market with an attractive profile. Conversely, you can also choose to broaden your study and pick up something from each theme.
Up to the differentiation phase, you worked on job-specific competencies in your training, which you use to lay a robust foundation for the profession that you will perform later. In the differentiation phase you will work together with students from other study programmes: the minors are accessible to all third-year students from various (mostly allied health) study programs and in year 4 cooperation with students from the allied health study programs is unavoidable. You will notice that you learn a lot from each other and that you will also bring unique knowledge and skills to the table yourself!
Differentiation through minor programs
AIf you want to differentiate yourself fully in 1 theme, we recommend that you choose the corresponding minor in year 3. Usually, in year 4 you will have the option to stay involved in the project(s) to which you have already contributed in the minor. You will not only deepen your course, but you will start year 4 with a flying start.
The teams' projects
The 3 teams together form the basis of the research group called Health Innovations and Technology. Would you like to know more about the (research) projects that the teams are currently working on? Then check the website below (Dutch) or sift through the Differentiation booklet:
Differentiation themes

Empowering Healthy Behaviour (EHB)
Taking the lead in your own health. It is easier said than done. Not everybody has the right knowledge, tools, skills and motivation to implement healthy behaviour or change unhealthy behaviour. In the differentiation theme Empowering Healthy Behaviour we ask our self the question how can healthcare professionals optimally support people in managing and maintaining good health themselves.
To reach this, the healthcare professional starts from a holistic view on people. He therefore has attention for supporting self-management of de client related to health issues. The healthcare professional knows how to give space in order for the client to take the lead regarding the physical, mental and social challenges of life. Furthermore, this professional is able to track needs, knowledge, skills and motivation of clients regarding health behaviour and give support in this, on an equal basis and in collaboration with the client.
Enabling People with Technology in Health (TECH)
Students committed to the differentiation theme Technology to Enable People in the Context of Health theme demonstrate their ability to meaningfully support and develop care and care processes using technology. The client's perspective is always the starting point in the development, implementation and evaluation of healthcare technology.
From an investigative and explorative attitude, students acquire Design Thinking methodologies to explore the added value of technology and to implement it in a valuable, effective and safe way in their own professional field.
Students learn to recognize trends in technological developments and act on them, learn from knowledge and potential outside the boundaries of their own professional field, reflect effectively on their own actions and grow towards a future-proof professional, skilled in the use of healthcare technology.

Interprofessional Collaboration (IP)
IP focuses on the organization of the Dutch health sector at different levels, which parties play a role in what way and how trends, developments, legislation and regulations and financing flows relate to each other. Students work together with fellow students, lecturers and the professional field on solutions for a complex and topical issue. Elements from cooperation such as conflict management and decision-making are discussed. Based on a value-driven philosophy, students demonstrate that they are capable of shaping solutions from the perspective of health outcomes and costs. Students develop their own professional identity in various ways, such as: giving, receiving, reflecting and working on realizing change in, and impact for, professional practice. Students who commit to the IP theme in year 3 and 4 can demonstrably work with a fresh view on opportunities and challenges within the healthcare system of today and the future.

Questions?"Find our information officers here: profileringFPH@fontys.nl