Participate as a company
Why take part in Fontys Meet & Match?
Fontys Meet & Match is the annual event connecting companies and students from Fontys Engineering, Technical Business Administration and Applied Physics. The event will take place on Tuesday 8 April 2025 from 9.00 - 16.00 hours at the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven. Are you a company looking for interns or graduates? In search of collaboration with Fontys? Do you want to get in touch with 1,500 future engineers in one day? Would you like to speed-date with 8-13 students of your choice? Or present your company at the company market to more than 1500 students, MBO and HBO? Unique is the collaboration we are looking for between MBO and HBO.

"It is brilliant to be able to speak to the students and let them know about the opportunities within our company."Marc, ASML
What does the programme look like?
The aim of the event is for companies to engage with future talent to fill an internship or graduate position. Companies and students will interact with each other during a physical event. The format includes three elements:
Speed date with students
During a 20-minute speed date, a 2nd-, 3rd- or 4th-year student (hbo or mbo) will engage with a company. In advance of the event, both companies and students fill in their own profiles. Companies indicate the type of student they want to talk to. For example, with 2nd-year mechatronics and/or mechanical engineering students. The students indicate which companies they would like to engage with. In this way, companies and students are matched. As a company, you have a maximum of 13 speed date interviews per speed date table with students who match your stated preference. The speed dates will be planned in advance, giving everyone a personalised schedule for the day. Reserve Tuesday 8 April 2025 in your calendar.
Company Market
The company market is open to all students. Here you can present your company to 1.500 students.
Company Presentation
The event also offers the opportunity to give a physical presentation of up to 20 minutes to a group of students who choose to be present at the presentation.
Which students will you meet during Meet & Match?
The event is intended for all companies who want to get in touch with students from Fontys and Summa College who are looking for a (graduation) internship. Students from the following programmes will share their Curriculum Vitae and participate in Meet & Match:
- Automotive
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Applied Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Technical business administration
- Applied Physics
- Applied Science
Summa College
- Automotive
- Engineering
- Laboratory education
There is a cost attached to participation, as it is not possible to organise such an event without a contribution from the business community. Cost for participation: from €600 (excluding VAT).
You apply by creating a company profile on the Fontys Meet & Match portal.
Do you already have a profile on the Fontys Meet & Match portal?
Then ask via this link your login details and indicate in your profile that you are participating in Meet & Match 2025.
Don't have a profile on the Fontys Meet & Match portal yet or you don't remember?
Then contact Mark Herman from the Fontys Centre of Expertise HTSM.
▪️ E-mail: m.herman@fontys.nl
▪️ Phone: 06-50737731