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Lecturer Systems Engineering

Ralph Peters

Drawing on a diverse background spanning over two decades in engineering, business consultancy, and educational innovation, Ralph is passionate about guiding students as they develop into skilled and reflective professionals.

In previous roles across multiple countries, Ralph worked in sectors such as manufacturing, technical services, and research at two European institutions. He spearheaded two greenfield startups in the Czech Republic and co-developed PROUDuctivity®, a Lean/TPM-inspired coaching and training program aimed at enhancing productivity by integrating technical, business, and human factors—particularly in manufacturing environments.

Within education, Ralph actively seeks collaboration with industry to enrich learning outcomes. Initially trained as an aerospace engineer with a strong analytical and theoretical approach to R&D, Ralph has successfully merged this mindset with iterative Design Thinking principles and reflective learning practices in his work as an educator.

Thriving in interdisciplinary and intercultural environments, Ralph combines his appreciation for the interplay of technical, enterpreneurial, and human dynamics with a commitment to preparing students for the complexities of today’s professional landscape.