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3. Trying, practising and learning

Step 3: Trying, practising and learning

Here you get to work on implementing your dynamic learning plan: you immerse yourself in literature, talk to experts, gain practical experience, work on a report, attend a class or tutorial, etc. In short, you challenge yourself, you experiment, you practise. You might stumble on your way. That’s okay, you learn from that. Lecturers and experts in the field of work monitor and support your growth and challenge you. Your fellow students take the journey with you.

How do I handle asking for, receiving, and giving feedback?

Youadjust your own development in relation to the learning outcomes based on feedback you request, receive, and give. You learn a lot from giving feedback to your fellow students. In requesting, receiving, and giving feedback you will be guided where needed so you can develop yourself and learn.

Ambience photo Fontys
  • What have I done to develop my knowledge and skills?
  • What went wrong and what did I learn from it?
  • What went well and what did I learn from it?
  • Who have I asked for interim feedback to see if I am on the right track? How have I weighed feedback and used it to adjust my learning activities?
  • What have I learned from lecturers and experts in the field of work?
  • What have I learned from feedback I have given to others?
  • Does what I am doing match the approach I detailed in my learning plan? Should I adjust my approach, or rather the learning plan?