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Loss and mourning

Self-learning module

With your Fontys account, you can make free use of online self-help modules (e-health). Check out the modules related to grief below.


This module is about grief. You can use it when you are trying to deal with the death of someone close to you. It contains information about mourning and tips on coping with your thoughts and feelings. The module will help you process your loss in a manner that suits you. 

Go to the self-learning module
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Could you use some more resilience? Do you sometimes wonder why you react to setbacks in a certain way? Then take this module. In the module you will gain more insight into yourself and why you react the way you do. This is how you build resilience. And that will help you with future setbacks.

Go to the self-learning module

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Loss is inseparable from life. Sooner or later, we all face profound events that involve loss.
What is it?

Loss can come in the form of the death of a loved one, loss of health, loss of work, quitting studies, negative study results or relationship break-up. Every loss inevitably leads to a grieving process, an adjustment process in which you learn to carry the loss with you and shape life after the loss. This is a very normal reaction to a drastic event and can usually be done properly on your own. Loss experiences cannot be 'controlled' and are not tied to set times like a lesson programme. Everyone experiences loss in their own way and has their own 'loss time'. That is quite normal.

What can you do yourself? 

Talk about your experiences with others familiar to you: family, friends, your student coach, your general practioner. If necessary, read books about other people's stories of experience or listen to a podcast. You will often find recognition in these. Try to make clear to those around you what you need from whom. 


If your loss and/or grief experience causes (or threatens to cause) study delays, make an appointment with a student counsellor to discuss whether you are eligible for facilities. 

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Contact team Student Guidance

  • If your private circumstances are an actual impediment to your study progress, please book an appointment with a student counselor.
  • If you would like to talk to a student counselor who is also a grief therapist, make an appointment with Monique Römkens.
Book an appointment