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Online self-learning modules

How do you feel? How do you sleep? Are you comfortable giving feedback to your fellow students? Do you set your own boundaries? Do you enjoy both school and private life? It would be great if you can answer these questions positively. But what if you can't? To support your mental fitness and resilience, you can use online self-learning modules, also known as e-health. You have free access to these modules with your Fontys account.

What are online self-learning modules?

Online self-learning modules are online modules on various topics that you can use anonymously and independently. You choose when, which and how many modules you want to complete. Also your student coach can refer to a specific module that fits your personal circumstances.

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  • Fontys has purchased online self-learning modules from Mirro, an external supplier. In Mirro's anonymised online environment, you learn how to deal with daily (stressful) situations. Each module contains tips, exercises and videos from experiential experts. It offers you the opportunity to work on your mental health in a way that works best for you. There are modules about topics like giving feedback, better sleeping, improving your study/life balance, dealing with stress as a student and much more. There are also deepening modules, such as anxiety and panic, brooding and 'Mastering your smartphone'.

How does it work?

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Are you ready to get started or do you first want to take a look?

See below a list of available modules in Mirro.

Get started!