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Marketing Management - Digital Business Concepts

  • 4 year(s)
  • English
  • Bachelor
  • Full-time

Open Days and More

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A day without your smartphone is hard to imagine. Of course, the world is becoming more digital at lightning speed. And every day more is possible. If you love all these new possibilities, the Digital Business Concepts programme is the programme for you. A mix of digital, marketing and business. Where you learn how to creatively develop and market great digital products and business models.

About the programme

We train you to become a modern, forward-looking marketing specialist. This programme will teach you how to design digital concepts and market them. During your studies, our network can connect you with companies that develop digital experiences and help customers in their online ambitions and challenges. And throughout our projects you will work on real-life cases from different types of companies, like marketing agencies, ngo's and (inter)national brands. You will get the opportunity to do an internship twice, at companies like Just Eat Takeaway, Signify (formerly known as Philips Lighting) or DEPT agency. 

Why study Marketing Management - Digital Business Concepts in the Netherlands?

  • The study environment is very personal, so you’ll become part of a tight community and network.
  • The program consists of a varied combination of marketing, media, creativity, technology, entrepreneurship, and the development and implementation of (digital) concepts.
  • You’ll gain a lot of practical experience and will be able to build a network in the digital sector.
  • There will be many opportunities to connect your personal, entrepreneurial ambitions to your studies – for example, by launching a start-up.
What is the difference between a university of applied sciences and a research university?

What will you be learning?

During the Digital Business Concepts course, you’ll learn to design and market digital concepts while being data-driven. As you grow throughout your studies, we’ll also guide you in your personal development. This will allow you to discover the difference between being entrepreneurial and being an entrepreneur.

  • You’ll work on real assignments from leading companies in the field, such as Heineken and Philips.
  • Our programme will enable you to develop creativity, business insight, research and organisational skills, planning strategies, and communication.
  • Subjects include concepting and creativity, online marketing, futurology, big data marketing, and media and data technology.
Laura tells you more about the study programme Marketing Management - Digital Business Concepts

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Laura tells you more about the study programme Marketing Management - Digital Business Concepts

Sugee | Student Marketing Management - Digital Business Concepts

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Jessica | Student Marketing Management - Digital Business Concepts

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What does a typical study week look like?

The MM Digital Business Concepts course will unleash your inner entrepreneur. You’ll develop your skills by working on an assignment for a company in the field and by gaining knowledge about digital developments during interesting lectures. Classes will take up 14 hours per week and you’ll work on projects for 10 hours per week. On average self-study will comprise 16 hours a week.

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Karla Ramic - Student Marketing Management - Digital Business Concepts
"How many people that you know can tell you that they filmed a vlog based on a Netflix show for their uni assignment, I can!"



The DBC study programme consists of four academic years, and every year is divided into two semesters. Each semester is again divided into two periods. Each study period consists of four modules that you’ll follow every week: Personality, Digital, Project and Marketing Management.

The first year of the study programme is the Propaedeutic Year, and mainly focuses on exploration of today’s commercial world. This year will also have four period themes. These are: ‘Market Research’, ‘Concepting’, ‘Marketing’, and ‘Entrepreneurship’. All the courses of year 1 are focused on those four themes, and you will end the year having to present a big personal project in which you have to put theory into practice and apply all the elements learned in this year.

Your study week is structured as follows: 

  • 14 hours of classes
  • 10 hours of projects
  • 16 hours of self-study

Year 2

The second year of MM Digital Business Concepts is part of the Main Phase (together with year 3). This year is all about deepening your knowledge. You’ll expand on your theoretical insight, your work in classes, and your own creativity.

Besides having to finish theoretical courses, students will start working on two big projects in the first semester of year 2: Strategic Consulting and Digital Business.

Strategic Consulting is about intrapreneurship. Students will have to act as strategic advisors to companies by showcasing and implementing relevant skills learned so far.

Digital Business is about setting up your own webshop. Students need to identify a promising market and define their target audience, analyse the competition, gather a starting capital and start selling and distributing an actual product.

In the second semester of year 2, students will either do an internship or complete a Minor programme. You can decide which of these two you want to do first.

You need to arrange the internship yourself (with help from us of course) and you have the option to do it in the Netherlands or abroad. You’ll also decide on your Minor. Choose from the interesting options at Fontys ACI or Fontys or pick one at another university. Have you always wanted to study elsewhere in the world? Choose a minor abroad for one semester at one of our 45 international partner universities!

Please note!

Would you like to gain a Master’s degree at Tilburg University in one year after graduating from the MM Digital Business Concepts programme? Instead of doing the minor in the Main Phase, you can choose to attend the ‘Advanced Courses’ from the fourth year. This creates space to follow a premaster in the final year.

Year 3

The third year of MM Digital Business Concepts is also part of the Main Phase (together with year 2).

In the first semester of year 3, students are going to do an internship or complete a Minor programme, depending on the choice they made in the previous year.

When you return to school in the second semester of year 3, you’ll have lots of new knowledge & skills acquired after having completed an internship and a Minor Programme. You will be challenged to implement this knowledge and these skills in order to launch your own start-up based on a product or service that you’ve come up with yourself. You’ll work on this in a long-term marketing project, implementing all the knowledge and skills learned so far.

In the fourth year of your studies, you’ll attend 8 different Advanced Courses (ACs) for one semester. Four of these are specifically designed for DBC, and are therefore mandatory to finish, but the other four are up to you.

Within the ‘Advanced Courses’, you have several courses to choose from, among others:

  • Global citizenship
  • A Brave New China
  • Bootstrapping innovation (design sprint)
  • Web programming
  • Online psychology and neuromarketing


Marketing Management Digital Business Concepts offers four ways to graduate: 

  • Regular thesis trajectory
  • Start-up trajectory
  • Entrepreneur trajectory
  • Growth hacking trajectory
  • Of course, you should check with us whether you meet the conditions for the graduation project of your choice.

Please note! 

Would you like to gain a Master’s degree at Tilburg University in one year after graduating from the MM Digital Business Concepts programme? Then you can follow a premaster in your fourth academic year. If you choose to do this, you skip the minor in the third year and take the ‘Advanced Courses’ that you’d actually follow in the fourth year. 




As a prospective Bachelor's student you must have a diploma of higher secondary education that is equivalent to Dutch standards. In order to be admitted to Fontys University of Applied Sciences students must be eligible for higher education through a diploma of secondary education / high school diploma with good results. For international students this means that you can be admitted with one of the following diploma’s/certificates if you meet all the requirements:

  • senior high school diploma, which generally grants access to a Bachelor programme in the country of issue
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education in 4 subjects with marks ranging from A-C, plus a General Certificate of Education with 2 subjects at advanced subsidiary level
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma
  • Baccalauréat Général
  • For German students specifically: Fachabitur or Abitur (Fachhochschulreife or Allgemeine Hochschulreife)

Besides your diploma, please provide additional academic qualifications if available (especially in the field of mathematics and physics). E.g. additional courses, workshops, projects, participation in competitions. Your qualifications will be assessed by the Admission Officer of the specific study programme.

If your diploma is not on this list, we still advise you to send us your documents (after you have submitted an application in Studielink) so that we can evaluate if you are admissible for the study programme.

In order to be admitted to the study programme, it is required to have prior knowledge of Economic subjects. This means that you need to have successfully finished courses on Economics, Business, and/or Management in your previous education. Moreover, the finished courses need to be of similar level compared to Economic subjects taught in Dutch higher secondary education.

In case you lack prior knowledge of Economic subjects or the finished subjects are deemed insufficient, you will be notified of this and it will also be discussed during the intake conversation to see if it is possible for you to catch up and gain the necessary and required knowledge and skills before enrolment.

Language requirements

For all course programmes a minimum level of proficiency in the English language is required. Read more detailed information.

Code of conduct

Fontys University of Applied Sciences will act according to the Code of Conduct


    As a prospective Bachelor's student you must have a diploma of higher secondary education that is equivalent to Dutch standards. In order to be admitted to Fontys University of Applied Sciences students must be eligible for higher education through a diploma of secondary education / high school diploma with good results. For international students this means that you can be admitted with one of the following diploma’s/certificates if you meet all the requirements:

    • Senior high school diploma, which generally grants access to a Bachelor programme in the country of issue
    • General Certificate of Secondary Education in 4 subjects with marks ranging from A-C, plus a General Certificate of Education with 2 subjects at advanced subsidiary level
    • International Baccalaureate Diploma
    • Baccalauréat Général
    • American High School Diploma (AP courses are strongly recommended)

    Besides your diploma, please provide additional academic qualifications if available (especially in the field of mathematics and physics). E.g. additional courses, workshops, projects, participation in competitions. Your qualifications will be assessed by the Admission Officer of the specific study programme.

    If your diploma is not on this list, we still advise you to send us your documents (after you have submitted an application in Studielink) so that we can evaluate if you are admissible for the study programme.

    In order to be admitted to the study programme, it is required to have prior knowledge of Economic subjects. This means that you need to have successfully finished courses on Economics, Business, and/or Management in your previous education. Moreover, the finished courses need to be of similar level compared to Economic subjects taught in Dutch higher secondary education.

    In case you lack prior knowledge of Economic subjects or the finished subjects are deemed insufficient, you will be notified of this and it will also be discussed during the intake conversation to see if it is possible for you to catch up and gain the necessary and required knowledge and skills before enrolment.

    Language requirements

    For all course programmes a minimum level of proficiency in the English language is required. Read more detailed information.


    As a non-EU/EEA student, the Netherlands will require an Entry Visa* (MVV) and a Residence Permit. Fontys will apply on behalf of its students for these documents. We recommend you start the process early, i.e. approximately three months before you plan to enter the Netherlands.

    More information about Visa
    *except nationals from Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, South Korea, the USA and Vatican City State.

    Code of conduct

    Fontys University of Applied Sciences will act according to the Code of Conduct

      Language requirements for Dutch students

      For the English taught programmes, the minimum English language proficiency required. As an applicant with a Dutch MBO-4, HAVO- or VWO-diploma you can be exempted from submitting the language proficiency test.

      It is required to have completed the subject Economics and/or the subject Management & Organisation. If you finished HAVO and chose the Culture and Society profile, you also need to have finished Mathematics A or B.

      Code of conduct

      Fontys University of Applied Sciences will act according to the Code of Conduct


        The tuition fees indicator helps you to determine the tuition rate for your situation. The information and tuition rates from this indicator are without engagement.

        go to tuition fees indicator 2024-2025

        Statutory tuition fees and institutional tuition fees

        A distinction is made between statutory tuition fees and institutional tuition fees. Only if you satisfy all statutory requirements regarding your nationality and if you have not yet been awarded a degree, will you be eligible for statutory tuition fees. Via the tuition fees indicator, you can secure an indication of the type of tuition fees that will be applicable in your situation. To do so, please make use of the indicator above.

        Distinctions are made between the following types of Institutional Tuition Fees:

        • Low institutional tuition fees
        • High institutional tuition fees

        Different types of tuition fees and Exemption Regulations

        These different types of tuition fees and the Exemption Regulations are fully detailed in the:

            Tuition Fees Regulations 2024-2025

            The amount to be paid may vary in accordance with the following situations:

            • If you have enrolled in more than one course programme (at Fontys and/or elsewhere), it is possible that you may only be obliged to pay one set of statutory tuition fees.
            • If you believe that you may be eligible to pay only the statutory tuition fees on the basis of information that may be unknown to us, please report this to your Course Department.
            • If it later transpires that you do not meet the requirements for statutory tuition fees, you will be obliged to pay the (higher) institutional tuition fees and if this is the case, you will be notified accordingly.

            Some Fontys study programmes offer the NL scholarship to their students. Check out the link to see if this study programme participates and for more information.

            Information about NL scholarship

            You might also be eligible for other scholarships not provided by Fontys. These can be found on the Study in NL website.

            Go to StudyinNL

            Holland Scholarship Programme 

            The Holland Scholarship is subsidised by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The scholarship amounts to €5,000. The purpose of the scholarship is to support excellent non-EU students during their first year of study. Each academic year, ACE awards two of these scholarships. To be eligible for the Holland Scholarship Programme, you have to meet the following criteria: 

            • Your nationality is non-EEA
            • You do not have a degree from an education institution in the Netherlands
            • You start with one of our 4-year Bachelor Programmes as a regular, degree-seeking student
            • You have achieved excellent secondary school results with a grade point average of 75% or higher

             Application procedure 

            • The application deadline for the Holland scholarship is 1 June every year.
            • An assessment committee will examine all applications and decide to whom the scholarships will be granted.
            • Even if you fulfil all application criteria, we cannot guarantee that you’ll be awarded a scholarship, as scholarships are limited in number.
            • Allocation of scholarships is only possible if you have completed your enrolment.
            • Payment of scholarships will be done in October.
            • To apply, send your full application file to ace-international@fontys.nl including a motivation letter, CV, grade records.

            If you have any questions about scholarships, do not hesitate to contact  ace-international@fontys.nl

            Paying in instalments

            Collection will occur in a maximum of ten equal instalments on or around the 26th of the month. Depending upon the processing time required after your enrolment, the direct debit may need to be moved to the following month. If so, the amount outstanding will then be divided and added to the remaining instalments to be executed until and including the June instalment.

            If paying the full sum in a single payment

            If you commence your studies on 1 September, the direct debit pertaining to your Tuition Fees will be executed on or around 25 September. If you commence your studies after 1 September, the direct debit will be executed on or around the 26th of the month in which you commence your studies.

            Non-EU students

            Incoming non-EU students will receive a payment letter from their study department, which must be paid before the deadline. In the following academic years, payment can be made by direct debit.


            If you have a Bank account number of which the bank is not situated in one of the SEPA countries, and you are a national of a country outside the EEA without an address in The Netherlands, then you will receive a payment letter from Fontys via your course department.

            The Dutch currency unit is the Euro (i.e. abbreviated to ‘EUR’ or ‘€’).

            The average living expenses per month for a foreign student living and studying in Holland are between EUR 1,100 and EUR 1,500 per month. These living expenses cover rent, insurance, food, public transportation, books, clothing and other general costs. 

            Dutch Immigration Service (IND) requires non-EEA students to proof they have access to € 14.641 per year (€ 7.320 per semester)

            Costs within the first months upon arrival will be higher than all other months due to a housing deposit, intro week and books. Study books are usually bought at the start of the semester and therefore it is wise to reserve and have direct access to an amount at the start of the semester which can cover the price of all study books and the living expenses for the first two months. 

            Before starting your study at Fontys, you must find suitable housing. Unfortunately, it is not easy for international students to find accommodation in the Netherlands due to the housing crisis. Start your accommodation search early. Please be aware that finding a place to live is your own responsibility. However, we are happy to assist in any way we can.

            More information about accommodation


            Career opportunities

            The world needs someone skilled like you! After this study programme, you’ll have grown into a professional that knows exactly how to integrate the online with the offline world. You’ll be able to start working as a: 

            • SEO/SEA specialist
            • Growth hacker
            • (Online) Marketeer
            • (Big) data analyst
            • Content specialist
            • Or launch your own start-up

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            Sugee de Palm - Student Marketing Management - Digital Business Concepts
            "I think that is what helped me the most, just being around people, so a tip I would give you is just to get out of the house, you can’t make friends and meet people by staying in your student room."

            How to apply

            All applications for our programmes have to be conducted via www.studielink.nl. Studielink is an online portal that allows applicants to apply and maintain their registration whenever they want to.

            The application process may differ for EU and Non-EU students, please read below what applies for you.

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            Application deadlines (for EU- and non-EU students)

            September intake
            All non-EU applicants 1 June
            EU applicants who want to apply for housing through Fontys* 15 June
            EU applicants who want to arrange their own housing 1 August

            *Please note that applying for accommodation through Fontys does not automatically guarantee housing. Housing options are limited in the Netherlands and Fontys cannot guarantee housing in any way. Therefore we strongly advise you to apply as soon as possible and please be aware that finding a place to live is your own responsibility.

            Start your online application

            • Log in to Studielink: www.studielink.nl.
            • Submit your personal details (please ensure that you enter your names as stated on your passport and/or identity card), ensuring that all details are entered correctly, i.e. capital letters where required.
            • Add 'New Enrolment Application': mind you choose the correct intake (September 2024).
            • Add your previous education and answer the supplementary questions.

            Educational institution Fontys Hogescholen
            Location of educational institution Tilburg
            Programme Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle



            Sign up for one of our events. There's no better way to find out if this study programme is right for you! Visit a webinar from the comfort of your home or meet us live on campus. Whichever you choose, we hope to meet you soon.

            Open Day
            November 2, 2024

            Having trouble making up your mind about your future studies? Or maybe you've already decided? Either way, we invite you to experience it firsthand at our Open Day. Step onto our campus and get a real taste of what your chosen study programme could be like. Our students and teachers will be your guides, ready to show you around.

            Mark your calendar for our upcoming Open Day on November 2nd, 2024.

            Do you want to be a part of it? Simply share your details, and you'll be among the first to receive updates.


            Location and contact


            Prof. Goossenslaan 1, Tilburg
            +318850 77655
            For general questions & enquiries

            Do you have a question?