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Fontys Mechatronics trains you to become a specialist in systematic design of control techniques for robot-controlled products and machines. Theory seamlessly integrates with hands-on practice, nurturing technical prowess and fostering innovation through project-based learning.
Discover how to improve people's lives by designing a robot.
Immerse yourself in the ecosystems of Brainport (Eindhoven) or Greenport (Venlo).
Receive personalized guidance from our dedicated team of educators.
Benefit from guidance in labs and company collaborations.
Learn all about Mechatronics at Fontys. Gain expertise in electrical, mechanical, and software engineering. Collaborate in diverse teams, envisioning innovative solutions for modern society's needs. There’s an international demand for well-trained mechatronic engineers!
Learn to collaborate in diverse, international teams.
Develop practical skills through hands-on projects.
Come and study Mechatronics in Brainport Eindhoven for high-tech immersion and collaboration with industry leaders. In Fontys Venlo, you’ll focus on sustainability in the Greenport region. At both locations you’ll enjoy hands-on learning and freedom to specialize.
Start your journey with a Mechatronics degree at Fontys. Design sensors, craft control algorithms, innovate with advanced materials. Expect diverse career prospects in Research & Development, industrial automation, and maintenance and help build a faster, more precise, and accurate future.
Make sure to check all admission requirements.
Explore your future at Fontys where you’ll meet innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity.
Use our tuition fees indicator and understand the monthly living expenses for international students in the Netherlands, ranging from EUR 900 to EUR 1,100.
Calculate tuition feesStarting a study in a foreign country is exciting. Read more on how Fontys can assist you, especially with accommodation, amid the Dutch housing crisis.
4 year(s)
Eindhoven, Venlo