Mar Olivé Nieto

Mar is a Catalan artist who, after being in the youth circus school of l’Ateneu de 9 barris in Barcelona, graduates with aerial rope at the Academy of Circus and Performance Art, ACaPA (Tilburg, NL). She knits different kind of structures, experimenting with several ropes and papers (also hand-made), as well as combining them with the hair-hanging technique.
She has been performing in festivals like Theater op de Markt (B), Axé Cirque (F), Oerol (NL), Mercateatre (Cat) and Festival Stripart (Cat). Next to the circus training, she knits, writes poems, climbs trees, makes homemade recycling paper notebooks and costumes.
Now, she has been selected for the Keep an Eye with the project Somehow. A show within a cello musician (Rogier Horman) and her knitted rope. Soon will be performed at Festival Circolo.