Karolien Wauters

My name is Karolien Wauters, I am 21 years old and born in Belgium. As a kid I always learned that while traveling you will discover a lot, but the people around you during that journey will give you even more. During my childhood I was always dancing after school, and when I became older I started to dance more and was part of two teams, a contemporary based and an urban based. After finishing my education in human sciences, I dreamed of being able to make dance and art for a living. I auditioned at Fontys, the urban department, and that is how I discovered the world of art through dance even more.
I choose the urban department to focus on being a more urban dancer but along the way I discovered a mix of movement qualities that created my individual movement language. A language that is sharp, dynamic, isolated, where every body part has its own rhythm and movement behaviour that when it comes together it will be compact and complicated. I want to discover ways to keep developing that and see what influences different choreographers can have on it. I’m looking forward to work as a freelancer and discover the world of art through dance even more.