Leonarda Lovrekovic

I am Leonarda Lovrekovic, I was born in Croatia and I graduated from Fontys Dance Academy.
In my work I explore situations and emotions I have personally experienced or thought through, the way I respond to certain situations and react to my environment. When I am able to experience the story or when I am a part of it myself, it gives me the energy and inspiration to translate my understandings and emotions into movement. Sharing my inner beliefs and emotions pushes me outside my comfort zone and puts me into a position of power where sharing my opinion, vision and voice matters and is heard. One of the important roles as an artist is to enlighten important questions and situations which then helps people to change. If I can impassion the audience; if I get them to think and react to my work by creating more awareness about a certain topic - as an artist, I feel I have completed my mission. The value of my work as an artist lies in transferring emotions through the presence of the performer to the audience members.
This year I was nominated for the Jacques de Leeuw 2022 prize. I intend to use the prize for my own further development and education in the artistic field. I want to focus on deepening my knowledge and broadening my education. When it comes to my own personal development as an artist, rather than a dancer, I want to take my time to experience different cultures, develop my movement qualities and focus on further research on my artistry. Nonetheless, I also want to dedicate my time on expanding my network as I know the importance that a good network holds.