Léonie Naomi Baur

photo: Luan Caja
"Inhabiting public space is a rite of passage (van Gennep, 1909): individuals are separated from themselves, enter the liminality of an ephemeral togetherness and depart again changed by the encounter."
Leonie’s background and current practice are in contemporary dance, choreography, and performance art. Her artistic practice is her way to reflect on each aspect of life. She strongly believes in the transformative capacity of artistic practice and therefore its political agency.
Being born randomly into a highly privileged context, she feels the responsibility to reflect on her own privileges in how she navigates through this world, in her position as an artist, and in the art she (co-)creates. Working almost exclusively in collective and participatory contexts gives her the possibility to locate her perspective and experience in a multiplicity of perspectives and experiences.
In 2017 Leonie co-founded the participatory performance project DIE KOMPANIE with which she collaboratively conducted the practical work for this research. DIE KOMPANIE defines itself as a social and artistic living body that promotes individual emancipation through art and intervention in society.