Ekaterina Uvarova

My name is Ekaterina Uvarova and I am a classical guitarist. Performing music to me is like drawing a picture: starting from some drops, continuing with lines, and finishing with a shape.
My program consists of various styles and periods, like Baroque, Spanish, Jazz, Latin-American, and contemporary music. Besides solo performance, I actively perform with other instruments like the clarinet, violin, viola, and cello.
During my studies, I had the honor to become a prize-winner of a Dutch Guitar Foundation Competition and perform in beautiful halls, churches, and museums with the solo program, such as Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, Willem II, Chateau Marquette, Sint-Nicolaaskerk (Helvoirt), Sint-Willibrorduskerk (Deurne), Museum Krona (Uden), etc.
In addition to performance, I collaborate with contemporary non-guitar composers and edit and perform their newly composed music. This experience was reflected in my Master’s research “Collaborative writing for the guitar”.
In the future, I would like to dive into the Early Music world and study lute and theorbo.