1st Online PBS-Europe International Conference workshops 12-11-2020
1.3 Coaching of School-wide PBS
Joke Kamstra
1.4 A Chat with Tim Lewis
Tim Lewis
2.1 Implementation of PBIS in Lithuania and Czech Republic: from theory to practice
Renata Greimaite, Gintare Sate, Anna Kubickova, Lenka Felcmanova
2.2 SWPIS in Turkey; An Exemplar in Early Childhood Implementation
Lia Yuannidi, Tanju Yildirim
2.5 Implementation of SWPBS in a special school and in a preparatory vocational school in the Netherlands
Dik van Donselaar, Bernardine van Eert
4.4 Our journey to establish PBS in our ID services
Plena Inclusion