In 2015 Monique Nelen started her PhD research into the relation between student outcome results and implementation fidelity of SWPBS in the Netherlands. The research contained four studies:

1.       Cultural adaptation of SWPBS to the Dutch educational context (Nelen, Willemse, van Oudheusden, & Goei, 2019)

2.       Fidelity of Tier 1 implementation in Dutch schools (Nelen, Blonk, Scholte, & Denessen, 2019)

3.       Relation between fidelity of SWPBS Tier 1 implementation and behavioral student outcomes in elementary
education (Nelen et al., under review)

4.       Relation between fidelity of SWPBS Tier 1 implementation and academic outcomes.


Curriculum Vitae Monique Nelen

Monique Nelen (1964) graduated in 1988 at Leiden University, The Netherlands, in Clinical child and adolescent studies. At first, she worked for 10 years in residential care institutes for children with severe problem behavior. In 1999 she started working for the Master of Special Educational Needs at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in Zwolle. She was associated with the introduction of SWPBS in The Netherlands in 2009. She has conducted several SWPBS related practice based studies.

Nelen, M. J. M., Blonk, A., Scholte, R. H. J., & Denessen, E. (2019). School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: fidelity of Tier 1 implementation in 117 Dutch schools. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, Published online. doi:10.1177/1098300719879621

Nelen, M. J. M., Scholte, R. H. J., Blonk, A., van der Veld, W., Nelen, W., & Denessen, E. (under review). School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (SWPBIS) in Dutch elementary schools: exploring fidelity and effects.

Nelen, M. J. M., Willemse, T. M., van Oudheusden, M. A., & Goei, S. L. (2019). Cultural challenges in adapting SWPBIS to a Dutch context. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, First published online. doi:10.1177/109830071987609