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General parking at Fontys

​​​​The Wegenverkeerswet (Dutch Road Traffic Law) is enforced at all Fontys sites. Fontys parking regulations are also applicable. Fontys is not liable for any theft or destruction of vehicles.

The opening hours for the parking areas are the same as the opening hours for the building or the part of campus to which the parking area belongs. 

The Stappegoor parking area is closed off with barriers. In order to park there, you must register the vehicle registration number at www.fontyskaart.nl.

Building codeBuilding street name Parking
P1Prof. GoossenslaanNo charge, diversion to Euroscoop car park, charge of €1 per day
P2Prof. GoossenslaanNo charge, diversion to Euroscoop car park, charge of €1 per day
P3Prof. GoossenslaanNo charge, diversion to Euroscoop car park, charge of €1 per day
P4Prof. GoossenslaanNo charge, diversion to Euroscoop car park, charge of €1 per day
P7Prof. GoossenslaanNo charge, diversion to Euroscoop car park, charge of €1 per day
GIGimbrèrelaanNo charge
ZPZwijsenpleinPaid parking at Koningsplein, Emmapassage and Schouwburg theatre.
Building 84NS-PleinNo charge
Café ProostProf. GoossenslaanNo charge, diversion to Euroscoop car park, charge of €1 per day

Study at Fontys

What Tilburg has to offer? Take a look for more information about your campus and the city.

Do you need a locker?

You can rent a locker for the duration of one academic year.

More information


Students, staff and external candidates / students may freely access our physical and digital library.

Safety Info Point

Please contact the Infopunt Veiligheid for any safety-related issues. This is a network of in-house professionals that can answer your questions, help you address your concerns and work together with you to analyse the situation. 

Whether it concerns tensions in the classroom (including harassment or radicalisation), threats, working with hazardous materials or equipment, or any other safety-related issue. You can contact the safety info point at infopuntveiligheid@fontys.nl. For any urgent safety issues, please contact the reception desk and the control room (08850 – 74966).