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Prolonged studies

At times, students find themselves studying beyond the expected duration for their degree. While some plan for this, often it's not anticipated. At Fontys, when you exceed the nominal duration for your program by more than 1 year, you are considered a prolonged student.

The causes of study delays are often varied, stemming from personal factors as well as issues within the educational system. Prolonged studies can lead to a downward spiral, impacting both social and academic integration, while also increasing feelings of shame, anxiety, and guilt. Remember, you're not alone in facing these challenges, and support and guidance are available, both individually and in group settings!

What can you do?

If you find yourself studying longer than expected or struggling to resume studies as a prolonged student, it's crucial to discuss your situation with your student coach or a student counselor promptly. By opening up about your situation, you don't have to bear the burden alone, and together, solutions can be explored to address your needs. This may involve creating a clear plan, additional support, proposing special study arrangements, or developing an individualized study plan to complete your degree.

Within programs, there are often individuals who have been appointed to support students facing prolonged studies. Check your study programs portal for the appropriate names and/or email addresses. Examples of names used for these individuals include: long-term study supervisor, student plus, study advisor and student consultant.

Self-learning module

Within Fontys, there's a wide range of resources available to help when you're feeling stuck. From self-help modules addressing anxiety and panic symptoms, enhancing resilience, managing concentration dips, to individual therapy for issues that may not be fully addressed through coaching in the educational setting.

Explore more self-learning modules

If you notice that the symptoms are not diminishing (or even worsening), always seek professional help through your GP or a student psychologist!


If you often feel anxious or have experienced panic attacks, you're not alone. Taking action early is essential to prevent symptoms from worsening. One way to start addressing these issues is by engaging in a self-help module. This module helps reduce or prevent the escalation of symptoms by training you to understand and manage your anxiety and panic.

Go to anxiety and panic module

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If you ever criticise yourself or doubt your self-worth, you may have a negative self-image.  This module can help you improve your self-image. You will take a closer look at your self-image and how it affects your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Step by step, you will learn to become a more positive person and be less hard on yourself. 

Go to the self-learning module

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Concentration & procrastination

Do you find yourself struggling to concentrate? Are you an expert procrastinator? This module is full of information, exercises, videos and useful tips to improve your concentration and master your procrastination! 

Go to the self-learning module

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Contact team Student Guidance

  • If you'd like to discuss prolonged studies or if personal/medical circumstances are hindering your academic progress, make an appointment with a student counselor.
  • If you'd like to talk to someone about the psychological issues arising from your study delay, such as stress or anxiety, make an appointment with your general practitioner or a student psychologist.
Book an appointment