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Health addresses Venlo

This page provides essential health addresses in Venlo, including general practitioners, hospitals, and emergency contacts. Find the nearest medical services to your location to ensure you receive the care you need. Explore the options below for quick access to healthcare facilities in Venlo.

General Medical Practitioners (GP) / family doctor (‘Gezondheidscentrum’)

Choose a GP nearest to your accommodation:

  • Professor Gelissensingel 20, 5912 JX Venlo
  • Phone: 077 - 7820920
Visit website

Huisartsenpraktijk Venlo-Zuid
  • Emmastraat 124a, 5912 CT Venlo
  • Phone: 077 - 3557259
Visit website


VieCuri Medisch Centrum

tel:077 320 5555
Tegelseweg 210, Venlo
