The yearly IATEFL conference always hugely inspiring and thought-provoking. But who has the time to attend every year? Worry no more, and come to FLOS’s IATEFLOS conference, 20 June in Sittard! Our student-teachers will cherry-pick all the best ideas and activities from IATEFL Brighton for you and share them during this wonderful, free conference!

New this year: Guest lectures from FLOS alumni, about the educational gems in our own Limburgian schools!

IATEFL is an international English-teaching conference aimed at raising the standard of English teaching every year. IATEFLOS is our very own version set up in Fontys Sittard! Come enrich your mind as our very own students bring knowledge learned in the distant Brighton back home in active yet meaningful workshops. (Or just come for the fun activities, we don't judge!)

You can register here for IATEFLOS on June 20, 2024