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Central Participation Council - Fontys Denktank

Meet the new members for the CPC

Meet the new members for the CPC 2024/2025

PLEASE NOTE: Participation in the Fontys Denktank requires knowledge of the Dutch language.

Contribute to the Fontys of tomorrow Would you like to be involved in shaping the quality of education and the organization of Fontys? The Central Participation Council (CPC) is the place where you can contribute your thoughts and voice to Fontys policy. It's a genuine forum where you can make a difference and gain a unique experience in a dynamic environment.

The links refer to pages within Fontys and are only accessible to Fontys employees and students. Also, the documents require knowledge of the Dutch language.

What does the central participation council at Fontys do?

Fontys Denktank is there for connectors who like to look at things from different perspectives and want to discuss the quality of our education, how Fontys money is spent and what Fontys can do to keep staff and students happy and healthy.

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Watching this video requires knowledge of the Dutch language.

Participation in the Central Participation Council, also known as the Fontys Denktank, also benefits you personally. It provides connections, knowledge, and insights that are valuable for your future career. Administrative experience looks impressive on your resume, whether you're a student or a staff member. Additionally, you'll develop useful skills such as collaboration, debating, and strategic thinking. You'll gain a broad perspective of the organization. Students receive a financial compensation, while staff members are supported to carry out their duties. Furthermore, you'll interact with employees and students from other institutes and services, whom you might not have met otherwise.
The Central Participation Council plays a crucial role in decision-making at Fontys. It is informed about developments and often has the opportunity to provide input or offer advice. The CPC meets regularly in small committees, with the student faction, with the staff members, and as a full council. The Executive Board is its formal discussion partner. Additionally, the CPC frequently engages in discussions with experts, project leaders, directors, or other stakeholders when necessary.

The CPC addresses strategic and tactical matters that are important for Fontys as a whole. These include:

  • Quality of student coaching;
  • Well-being of staff and students;
  • Improvement of organizational matters and communication thereof to students;
  • Professionalization of lecturers;
  • Personnel policy;
  • Housing at all Fontys locations;
  • Market position of Fontys;
  • Allocation of Fontys funds.

To get an idea of the topics, you can also take a look at the agendas of past meetings. These agendas are publicly available.

Directly to the agenda of CPC

PLEASE NOTE: This link refers to a page within Fontys and is only accessible to Fontys employees and students. Also, the link requires knowledge of the Dutch language.

Get to know!

Do you want to know who represents you in the Central Participation Council for 2023/2024?

Meet the CPC Members
Ambience photo Fontys

This is a picture of the Fontys Denktank logo.

Want to know more?

Do you have questions, ideas or would you like to attend a meeting of the CPC? Please contact the official secretariat of the CPC via email.
