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During your stay

During your stay Staying in the Netherlands might be overwhelming sometimes. What can you do? Where can you go? How do you go there? With this 'during your stay' page, you're sure of the fact that there's enough to do in and around your city. Find out more down below!

During your stay

During your stay in the Netherlands you might also need information on (extending) your visa.

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On this page you can find all kinds of (online) initiatives such as initiatives on staying mentally fit, sports, social events and offers to assist when you are in need of extra guidance. Happiness is to stay connected.

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As an international student in the Netherlands you might be looking for information on how things work in the Netherlands, from transportation to where to buy certain products, to where to find Dutch news in English. On this page you will find useful links that help you with such matters.

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In the Netherlands there are many options to get around. Think about a car, public transport, but most of all, the Dutch culture; a bike.

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Are you from the EU/EEA or Switzerland? If you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland you are free to work without restrictions. You do not need a work permit and there are no restrictions regarding working hours.

Are you from outside Europe? If you are not from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, there are some restrictions if you want to work alongside your studies. You can either work for a maximum of 16 hours a week during the year, or you can work fulltime during the months of June, July and August, but only with a work permit.

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Exercising and sports are very common in the Netherlands. You can join different sports, but if you just want to stay fit in the gym, there are many options for you.

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