Blind and visually impaired
Do you have a visual impairment
or eye condition? Perhaps you are partially sighted or blind and are concerned about the accessibility of buildings. Or are you looking for opportunities or aids within Fontys.
What is it?
A visual impairment or eye condition can take different forms. Do you have an eye condition and want to study optimally? Are you looking for opportunities or aids at Fontys?
What can you do yourself?
If you would benefit from facilities, or are looking for possibilities or aids that will make studying easier for you, make an appointment with a student counselor in good time. He or she can help you with your application. Also inform your student coach. Together we can see what you need.
Useful links - Blind and visually impaired
Contact team Student Guidance
- If your disability is an actual impediment to your study progress or you would like to arrange exam facilities, please book an appointment with a student counsellor.